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Rep2Excel Exporting/Writing/Reporting to Excel
Srdjan Djordjevic, Independent
VFP/EXCEL Ole Automation class that let's you manipulate Excel file as 3D array. Broad set of calls for common automation tasks. Writing is as easy as oXL.make_cell(1,1,5,'Hi There'). Also Generic Reporting Class - for writing structured grouped reports via code directly to excel or any other available Output. Works like FRX engine but is in code. Recursive - Unlimited number of groups. Source and samples included. Added: -Silent mode for supressing messages -Insert Picture Wrapper -Start from template file -More Documentation
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21 years ago
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A) VFP/EXCEL Automation class ----------------------------- Idea is simple - Manipulating Excel file as 3D array. There4 I made all bunch of wrapper methods for common automation calls joined in one code based class, so I/O having to use Cumbersome Excel constructions like oExcel.ActiveSheet...do whatewer ; All came down to simple instructions like oXL.make_cell(nSheet,nRow,nCol,'Hello World') oXL.draw_box(i,j,k,l) oXL.l_v_single(i,j,k,j) (Line/Vertical/Single) etc. Also data writing is available as easy as; oXL.table_in_section(i,j,k,cAlias,cFieldsIWant) oXL.table_in_row(i,j,k,cAlias,cFieldsIWant) oXL.array_in_section(i,j,k,@myArray) oXL.insert_picture(i,j,k,cFileName) (New) And many many more (See Samples). Ideal tool for those who don't mind coding - You can do anything you want with Excel file. B) Reporting to Excel ------------------------------------- Being that I was writing in the past (DOS) fully structured Code based reports and having report designer (FRX) in mind, I created generic reporting class, that works pretty much similar to FRX data engine, having in the same time all flexibility of Old code based reports, and more over, being a class - subclassing prospect. It is structured grouped report with virtualy unlimited number of groups since is based on recursive mechanism. So in the pretty similar manner that you would define group in report designer and then add expressions in header/footer/detail band, using this class you can define grouping by assigning couple of properties in the report (sub)class and then write into respective header(i)/footer(i)/detail - place holder method(s). Class by itself is generic and is covering only essential data flow of a report structure without going into output specific details like printer handling, paging etc. There4 can be used and/or customized for any type of 'Output'. In this case I customised it to work with Excel OLE automation class because this is why I wrote it at first place - but it can easily report directly to the printer or text file using ?/?? Commands or ANY OTHER format depends on availability (HTML, WORD, PDF etc.) No wizards/graphs yet, but we will come to it.
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Srdjan Djordjevic, Independent
Djordjevic Srdjan is Senior FoxPro developer with over 30 years of experience. Independent.

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