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Data dictionary and the validation
Michel Fournier, January 1, 2006
Data dictionaries has its use and also for Web applications. I see many developers building Web applications who forget about many structured that used to be in place when developping desktop applications. The same should apply for Web applications as it is no different. This article discusses some ...
Data dictionaries has its use and also for Web applications. I see many developers building Web applications who forget about many structured that used to be in place when developping desktop applications. The same should apply for Web applications as it is no different. This article discusses some data dictionary techniques in regards to validation of HTML form controls.
Data dictionaries has its use and also for Web applications. I see many developers building Web applications who forget about many structures that used to be in place when developping desktop applications. The same should apply for Web applications as it is no different. This article discusses some data dictionary techniques in regards to validation of HTML form controls.

...after having built Web applications for more than 10 years now, I can say that I have faced all kind of situations, where some of them include users who just try to enter about everything in a field, data that does not make any sense and does not relate into your application.

Types of data dictionaries

Data dictionaries is simply a terminology used for specific application data that is used to control how your application works. This terminology has several other synonyms that different development team could use. The main goal is to rely on data sets which helps you control business logics and other related needs in your application.

At minimum, I like to rely on a small set of tables to control the list of tables I have in my application and related data, the field validations and the relationships between each of them. In this article, I discuss the use of the field validation table to control HTML forms submitted by the user.

Benefits of data dictionaries

Some may ask why we should use such an approach or why is it proposed. At first, all the validations used to be in the code. It was providing the developers an easy approach to update the application to add additional validations by simply going in one place and making the customized adjustments for the required needs. But, as the developers are adding more and more validation rules into their applications, they find themselves in the situation that common validation rules are used in several places. So, they realized that the same type of tasks was required to add those validations rules in several forms.

So, those were the old days. Then came the venue of using a data dictionary to handle those requirements. This is when the field table is used, where among other things, it contains whatever is necessary to provide the minimum capabilities in your application to support those validation rules.

One thing I realized over the years, when switching from desktop to Web applications, is the amount of validation rules in place is usually much bigger for the Web applications. In a desktop environment, most of the times, we know the users. In a Web environment, most of the times, the application is public. Thus, we face the situation that we have, most of the times, much more users using the application and for most of them, we simply do not know who they are. So, there is usually a need to add more validations into the application, in order to make it more robust and more secure. From experience, after having built Web applications for more than 10 years now, I can say that I have faced all kind of situations, where some of them include users who just try to enter about everything in a field, data that does not make any sense and does not relate into your application. One reason is simply because many individuals just do not want to give personal information online. Another one is simply because they have bad intentions. Whatever the reason is, the more validation rules you have in place, the better your application will be.

So, this brings us to the point where we can use a table to gather the related data about those required validations. This is really nice because you can add validation rules for a specific field without changing anything in your code. Some common validation rules include validations such as the desire to validate a field to avoid empty values, to make sure the field is not saved in uppercase, to validate a province with a country and to validate a numeric field into a specific range. This article discusses the use of over 30 validation rules. It does not cover all of them nor will it ever be. No matter as generic as you could try to make it, there will always be specific validation rules that will need to be inside your code as they are really customized into the business logic of your application. But, this should give you a good start or provide you some good tips on how you can enhance your actual infrastructure in place for such needs.

The field validation table

The field validation table holds information about specific fields of various tables that are used in the application at the validation level. Not all of the fields of your tables should be defined in here. But, if some are there, they will be processed when time comes.

That table structure is as followed:

Field name Type Width Details
Numero Integer   Primary key
AddUser Integer   Primary key of the member table of the member who created this record
AddDate DateTime   Date and time of the record creation
ModUser Integer   Primary key of the member table of the member who last updated this record
ModDate DateTime   Date and time of the last update
NoTable Integer   Primary key of the table relationship
Field Character 10 Field name
Mandatory Logical   If the field is mandatory
Uppercase Logical   If the field cannot be in uppercase
PutUp Logical   If the field will be converted with the PutUp() function at creation time. This function applies something similar to the Proper() function but more customized for local needs.
PutUpMod Logical   If the field will be converted with the PutUp() function at update time
Email Logical   If the field is an email. When this is the case, several validations will kick in to assure the value as minimum requirements to be an email. The validation does not check to see if the email is valid however. The validation is done by calling the ValidationEmail() object which is dedicated for such validation. Within this object, it is assumed the object is already created under goValidationEmail.
SaveUpper Logical   If the field will be saved in uppercase
URL Logical   If the field is an URL. It will be saved in lowercase. The value will also be converted to a proper URL is the start of the URL is invalid.
Tag Logical   If the field cannot contain any HTML tag. This is mostly used for memo field when being used in a TEXTAREA tag.
Style Logical   If the field cannot contain any HTML tag parameter. This is mostly used for memo field when being used in a TEXTAREA tag and where specific tag parameters cannot be accepted.
Obscenity Logical   If the field cannot contain obscenities. Some basic obsenities will be checked for.
SaveLower Logical   If the field will be saved in lowercase
Province Logical   If the field is a province. When this is the case, the combination Province/Canada and States/United States will be validated. There is a naming conventation in the application which establishes a relationship between a province/state field and the country. The field is called NoProvince, which has a relationship with Province.dbf table, and its country will be called NoCountry, which has a relationship with Country.dbf. Thus, is a field in a HTML form is named NoProvince, we can assume the form also contains a field named NoCountry. The validation is also supporting more than one NoProvince field in a table. So, if you have an address for the member's information and one for the payment, for exemple, you can use NoProvince2 and the validation will search for NoCountry2 to establish this relationship for the validation process.
Unique Logical   If the field has to be unique. This is really useful to make sure the value is unique in our table.
Code Logical   If the field is a postal code or a zip code. Canadian postal codes and United States zip code validations will kick in.
Anglais Memo   User friendly field name in English
French Memo   User friendly field name in French
Espagnol Memo   User friendly field name in Spanish
Portuga Memo   User friendly field name in Portuguese
Admin Logical   If the field will not be validated in administration mode. By default, a field is validated no matter where used. However, sometimes, when being used in a HTML form from the administration mode, we may not want the validation to kick in. In this case, the field will be .T. When combined with the recognition of the lAdmin property set to .T., the field will not be validated.
CharReject Character 20 List of characters which would not be accepted. There is no delimiter. Each character is entered one after the other.
Initial Logical   If we do not want to accept an initial for character fields. This applies when there is only one character or one character followed by a dot.
StringNot Memo   List of strings we do not want to accept for character or memo fields. Each string is delimited by a comma.
MinLength Numeric 3 Minimum length of the value for memo fields
NumericF Logical   If the field is numeric. This should be .T. when we use NumericLo and NumericLo.
NumericLo Numeric 8 Minimum value to accept when the field is defined numeric.
NumericHi Numeric 8 Maximum value to accept when the field is defined numeric.
ValueNot Memo   List of values we do not want to accept for character or memo fields. Each string is delimited by a comma.
SameKey Logical   If we do not want to accept a value which would only be a repetition of the same key. This applies when the field is character or memo.
ZeroValue Logical   If we accept a value of zero. This is useful when we are using NumericLo and NumericHi.
MaxLength Numeric 6 Maximum length of the value for memo fields
CreditCard Logical   If the field is a credit card number

The Validation object

I have defined a Validation object which allows me to set some property values, used for validation process, before calling the ValidationFromField() method. The object is defined as followed:

aMessage[35,4] Array of messages
cAlias Alias
cEmail Email address
cField Field name to be used in validation messages
cType Field type
cValidationMessage Message of validation
lAdmin If we are in administration mode
nErrorValidation Error number of the validation message
nNumero Primary key of the record to validate
xValue Value of the HTML field

Validate() Execute the validation rules
ValidateEmail() Validation of an email

The Init() method

The Init() method contains the definition of all validation messages in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Those messages have been removed from the Message.dbf table in order to provide ready to go code whenever this is used on a new server. It allows us to benefit of a validation object without having to rely on a Message.dbf table and make sure the proper records are inserted. The Message.dbf table is usually used to provide string access by the use of a data dictionary to be able to maintain the string content directly from a table and to support foreign interfaces.

Some strings in foreign languages are not translated. Thus, they are holding the English values for now. This can be easily adjusted by simply adjusting the proper messages.

* 1 We have some tags which are not in PRE
* 2 We have a A tag but it contains something else than HREF
* 3 We have a tag which contains a style
* 4 We have a FONT tag which contains something else than SIZE, COLOR and FACE
* 5 We have some obscenities
* 6 The field cannot be empty
* 7 The field cannot be in uppercase
* 8 The email cannot be blank
* 9 You need to have at least one dot in your email
* 10 You need to have at least one @ in your email
* 11 You cannot have an email starting with @
* 12 The last character of your email cannot be a dot
* 13 You cannot have more than one @ in your email
* 14 You cannot have a space in the email
* 15 You cannot have a comma in the email
* 16 The email is not valid
* 17 You need to have at least five characters in your email
* 18 After the last dot, you cannot have a number in your email
* 19 You cannot have a dot after the @ in the email
* 20 You cannot have a semi colon in the email
* 21 The country and province/state combination is not valid
* 22 You have to select a province/state
* 23 The ##Field## field already exists, please choose a different one
* 24 A canadian postal code should be seven characters including a space in the middle.
*    It has to be a letter, followed by a digit, a letter, a space, a digit, a letter and a digit.
* 25 A US zip code should be five digits or 10 characters starting with five digits,
*    followed by a dash and four digits
* 26 The ##Field## field should be between ##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##
* 27 The ##Field## field should have at least ##MinLength## characters
* 28 The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##Character## character
* 29 The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##String## word
* 30 The ##Field## field cannot be equal to ##String##
* 31 The ##Field## field is invalid
* 32 The ##Field## field cannot content an initial
* 33 The ##Field## field should be zero or between ##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##
* 34 The ##Field## field should not be longer than ##MaxLength## characters
* 35 The ##Field## field cannot contain a character

* Text in English
 'any scripting are only allowed when between a PRE tag. If you wish to include some code, just '+;
 'include them between the PRE tag. The application will make sure your '+;
 'code is well formatted.'
This.aMessage[2,1]='For a A HREF tag, you cannot include a style attribute. '+;
 'There is also no need to put a TARGET as this will be done automatically by the application.'
This.aMessage[3,1]='You cannot include a style attribute inside a tag.'
This.aMessage[4,1]='For the FONT tag, only the SIZE, COLOR and FACE attributes are supported.'
This.aMessage[5,1]='The content you submitted contains some obscenities. '+;
 'Please, adjust it in order to assure that its content reflects a proper content.'
This.aMessage[6,1]='The ##Field## field cannot be empty.'
This.aMessage[7,1]='Please, do not put the content of the ##Field## field in uppercase.'
This.aMessage[8,1]='The email cannot be blank.'
This.aMessage[9,1]='You need to have at least one dot in your email.'
This.aMessage[10,1]='You need to have at least one @ in your email.'
This.aMessage[11,1]='You cannot have an email starting with @.'
This.aMessage[12,1]='The last character of your email cannot be a dot.'
This.aMessage[13,1]='You cannot have more than one @ in your email.'
This.aMessage[14,1]='You cannot have a space in the email.'
This.aMessage[15,1]='You cannot have a comma in the email.'
This.aMessage[16,1]='The email is not valid.'
This.aMessage[17,1]='You need to have at least five characters in your email.'
This.aMessage[18,1]='After the last dot, you cannot have a number in your email.'
This.aMessage[19,1]='You cannot have a dot after the @ in the email.'
This.aMessage[20,1]='You cannot have a semi colon in the email.'
This.aMessage[21,1]='The country and province/state combination is not valid.'
This.aMessage[22,1]='You have to select a province/state.'
This.aMessage[23,1]='The ##Field## field already exists, please choose a different one.'
This.aMessage[24,1]='A canadian postal code should be seven characters including a '+;
 'space in the middle. It has to be a letter, followed by a digit, a letter, a space, '+;
 'a digit, a letter and a digit.'
This.aMessage[25,1]='A US zip code should be five digits or 10 characters starting '+;
 'with five digits, followed by a dash and four digits.'
This.aMessage[26,1]='The value of the ##Field## field should be between ##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[27,1]='The value of the ##Field## field should have at least ##MinLength## characters'
This.aMessage[28,1]='The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##Character## character'
This.aMessage[29,1]='The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##String## word'
This.aMessage[30,1]='The ##Field## field cannot be equal to ##String##'
This.aMessage[31,1]='The value of the ##Field## field is invalid'
This.aMessage[32,1]='The value of the ##Field## field cannot content an initial'
This.aMessage[33,1]='The value of the ##Field## field should be zero or between '+;
 '##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[34,1]='The value of the ##Field## field should not be longer than '+;
 '##MaxLength## characters'
This.aMessage[35,1]='The ##Field## field cannot contain a character.'

* Text in French
This.aMessage[1,2]="Les tag IMG, TABLE, HTML, BODY, FORM, BLINK, OBJECT, SERVER, STYLE, "+;
 "TITLE ou du scripting ne sont permis que lorsqu'ils sont dans un tag PRE. "+;
 "Si vous voulez inclure du code, vous pouvez l'inclure à l'intérieur du tag "+;
 "PRE. L'application va faire en sorte que votre code "+;
 "soit bien formatté."
This.aMessage[2,2]="Pour le tag A HREF, vous ne pouvez pas inclure un attribut de "+;
 "style. Il n'est aussi pas nécessaire d'inclure un TARGET car l'application "+;
 "le fera pour vous."
This.aMessage[3,2]='Vous ne pouvez pas inclure un tag avec des attributs de style.'
This.aMessage[4,2]='Pour le tag FONT, seul les attributs SIZE, COLOR et FACE sont supportés.'
This.aMessage[5,2]="Le contenu que vous avez envoyé contient des mots vulgaires. "+;
 "S.v.p., veuillez l'ajuster afin d'assurer que son contenu soit respectable."
This.aMessage[6,2]='Le champ ##Field## ne peut être vide.'
This.aMessage[7,2]='S.v.p., ne pas écrire le contenu du champ champ ##Field## en majuscule.'
This.aMessage[8,2]="L'adresse de courrier électronique ne peut être vide."
This.aMessage[9,2]='Vous devez avoir au moins un point dans votre adresse de courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[10,2]='Vous devez avoir au moins un @ dans votre adresse de courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[11,2]='Vous ne pouvez avoir une adresse de courrier électronique débutant par @.'
This.aMessage[12,2]='Le dernier caractètre de votre adresse de courrier '+;
 'électronique ne peut être un point.'
This.aMessage[13,2]="Vous ne pouvez avoir plus d'un @ dans votre adresse de courrier électronique."
This.aMessage[14,2]='Vous ne pouvez pas avoir un espace dans votre adresse de courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[15,2]='Vous ne pouvez pas avoir une virgule dans votre adresse de courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[16,2]="L'adresse de courrier électronique n'est pas valide."
This.aMessage[17,2]='Vous devez avoir au moins 5 caractères dans votre adresse de '+;
 'courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[18,2]='Après le dernier point, vous ne pouvez avoir un chiffre dans '+;
 'votre adresse de courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[19,2]='Vous ne pouvez pas avoir un point après le @ dans votre adresse '+;
 'de courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[20,2]='Vous ne pouvez pas avoir un point virgule dans votre adresse de '+;
 'courrier électronique.'
This.aMessage[21,2]="La combinaison pays et province/état n'est pas valide."
This.aMessage[22,2]='Vous devez sélectionner une province/état.'
This.aMessage[23,2]="Le champ ##nom d'usager## existe déjà. S.V.P., veuillez en choisir un autre."
This.aMessage[24,2]="Un code postal canadian doit contenir sept caractères et avoir "+;
 "un espace au milieu. Il doit commencer par une lettre, suivi d'un chiffre, une "+;
 "lettre, un espace, un chiffre, une lettre et un chiffre."
This.aMessage[25,2]="Un zip code américain doit être de cinq chiffres ou de 11 "+;
 "caractères commencant pour cinq chiffres, suivi d'un tiret et de quatre chiffres."
This.aMessage[26,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## doit être entre ##NumericLo## et ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[27,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## doit contenir au moins ##MinLength## caractères'
This.aMessage[28,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## ne peut contenir le caractère ##Character##'
This.aMessage[29,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## ne peut contenir le mot ##String##'
This.aMessage[30,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## ne peut être égale à ##String##'
This.aMessage[31,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## est invalide'
This.aMessage[32,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## ne peut contenir une initiale'
This.aMessage[33,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## doit être zéro ou entre '+;
 '##NumericLo## et ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[34,2]='La valeur du champ ##Field## ne doit pas dépasser ##MaxLength## '+;
This.aMessage[35,2]='Le champ ##Field## ne peut contenir de caractère.'

* Text in Portuguese
This.aMessage[1,3]='As tags IMG, TABLE, HTML, BODY, FORM, BLINK, OBJECT, SERVER, STYLE, '+;
 'TITLE ou qualquer script não são permitidos quando estiverem entre a tag PRE. '+;
 'Se você deseja incluir algum código em sua, apenas inclua-o entre tag '+;
 'PRE. O parser do application cuidará para que seu código seja '+;
 'bem formatado.'
This.aMessage[2,3]='Para uma tag A HREF, você não pode incluir um atributo de estilo. '+;
 'Também não há a necessidade de um TARGET visto que isto é feito automaticamente '+;
 'pelo application.'
This.aMessage[3,3]='Você não pode incluir um atributo de estilo dentro de uma tag.'
This.aMessage[4,3]='Para a tag FONT, somente são suportados os atributos SIZE, COLOR e FACE.'
This.aMessage[5,3]='Sua mensagem contém algum obscenidade. Por favor, ajuste-a '+;
 'para assegurar que reflita um conteúdo apropriado.'
This.aMessage[6,3]='The ##Field## field cannot be empty.'
This.aMessage[7,3]='Please, do not put the content of the ##Field## field in uppercase.'
This.aMessage[8,3]='O email não pode estar em branco.'
This.aMessage[9,3]='Você deve ter pelo menos um ponto em seu email.'
This.aMessage[10,3]='Você deve ter pelo menos um @ em seu email.'
This.aMessage[11,3]='O email não pode começar com @.'
This.aMessage[12,3]='O último caracter do email não pode ser um ponto.'
This.aMessage[13,3]='Você não pode ter mais que uma @ no seu email.'
This.aMessage[14,3]='Você não pode ter espaços em seu email.'
This.aMessage[15,3]='Você não pode ter vírgula em seu email.'
This.aMessage[16,3]='O email é inválido.'
This.aMessage[17,3]='Você deve ter pelo menos cinco caracteres em seu email.'
This.aMessage[18,3]='Após o último ponto, você não pode ter números em seu email.'
This.aMessage[19,3]='No seu email, você não pode ter um ponto logo após o @.'
This.aMessage[20,3]='Você não pode ter ponto-e-vírgula no seu email.'
This.aMessage[21,3]='The country and province/state combination is not valid.'
This.aMessage[22,3]='You have to select a province/state.'
This.aMessage[23,3]='The ##Field## field already exists, please choose a different one.'
This.aMessage[24,3]='A canadian postal code should be seven characters including a '+;
 'space in the middle. It has to be a letter, followed by a digit, a letter, a space, '+;
 'a digit, a letter and a digit.'
This.aMessage[25,3]='A US zip code should be five digits or 10 characters starting '+;
 'with five digits, followed by a dash and four digits.'
This.aMessage[26,3]='The value of the ##Field## field should be between ##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[27,3]='The value of the ##Field## field should have at least ##MinLength## characters'
This.aMessage[28,3]='The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##Character## character'
This.aMessage[29,3]='The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##String## word'
This.aMessage[30,3]='The ##Field## field cannot be equal to ##String##'
This.aMessage[31,3]='The value of the ##Field## field is invalid'
This.aMessage[32,3]='The value of the ##Field## field cannot content an initial'
This.aMessage[33,3]='The value of the ##Field## field should be zero or between '+;
 '##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[34,3]='The value of the ##Field## field should not be longer than '+;
 '##MaxLength## characters'
This.aMessage[35,3]='The ##Field## field cannot contain a character.'

* Text in Spanish
This.aMessage[1,4]='Los tags IMG, TABLE, HTML, BODY, FORM, BLINK, OBJECT, SERVER, STYLE, '+;
 'TITLE sólo están permitidos dentro del tag PRE. Si desea incluír código en su, '+;
 'hágalo encerrado en los tag PRE. El parser de application se '+;
 'asegurará que su código quede bien formateado.'
This.aMessage[2,4]='Para el tag A HREF, no puede incluir atributos de estilo. '+;
 'No hay necesidad de poner TARGET ya que esto es manejado automáticamente por '+;
This.aMessage[3,4]='No puede incluir atributos de estilo.'
This.aMessage[4,4]='Para el tag FONT sólo se soportan los atributos SIZE, COLOR y FACE.'
This.aMessage[5,4]='Su mensaje contiene obscenidades. Por favor, modifíquelo para '+;
 'asegurarse que refleje un contenido apropiado.'
This.aMessage[6,4]='The ##Field## field cannot be empty.'
This.aMessage[7,4]='Please, do not put the content of the ##Field## field in uppercase.'
This.aMessage[8,4]='La dirección de email no puede estar en blanco.'
This.aMessage[9,4]='Debe tener al menos un punto en su email.'
This.aMessage[10,4]='Debe tener al menos una @ en su email.'
This.aMessage[11,4]='El email no puede comenzar con @.'
This.aMessage[12,4]='El último caracter de la dirección de email no puede ser un punto.'
This.aMessage[13,4]='No puede tener más de una @ en su email.'
This.aMessage[14,4]='No puede haber espacios en el email.'
This.aMessage[15,4]='No puede tener una coma en su email.'
This.aMessage[16,4]='La dirección de correo electrónico no es válida.'
This.aMessage[17,4]='Tiene que tener al menos cinco caracteres en su email.'
This.aMessage[18,4]='Luego del último punto no puede tener números en su email.'
This.aMessage[19,4]='No puede tener un punto justo detrás de @ en su email.'
This.aMessage[20,4]='No puede tener un punto y coma en su email.'
This.aMessage[21,4]='The country and province/state combination is not valid.'
This.aMessage[22,4]='You have to select a province/state.'
This.aMessage[23,4]='The ##Field## field already exists, please choose a different one.'
This.aMessage[24,4]='A canadian postal code should be seven characters including a '+;
 'space in the middle. It has to be a letter, followed by a digit, a letter, a space, '+;
 'a digit, a letter and a digit.'
This.aMessage[25,4]='A US zip code should be five digits or 10 characters starting '+;
 'with five digits, followed by a dash and four digits.'
This.aMessage[26,4]='The value of the ##Field## field should be between ##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[27,4]='The value of the ##Field## field should have at least ##MinLength## characters'
This.aMessage[28,4]='The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##Character## character'
This.aMessage[29,4]='The ##Field## field cannot contain the ##String## word'
This.aMessage[30,4]='The ##Field## field cannot be equal to ##String##'
This.aMessage[31,4]='The value of the ##Field## field is invalid'
This.aMessage[32,4]='The value of the ##Field## field cannot content an initial'
This.aMessage[33,4]='The value of the ##Field## field should be zero or between '+;
 '##NumericLo## and ##NumericHi##'
This.aMessage[34,4]='The value of the ##Field## field should not be longer than '+;
 '##MaxLength## characters'
This.aMessage[35,4]='The ##Field## field cannot contain a character.'

The Validate() method

The Validate() method executes the validation rules, based on Field.dbf, on the current record of the given alias. If a validation fails, the cValidationMessage property will be initialized with the proper validation message.

The method uses the cAlias property to locate the table record in Table.dbf, another data dictionary holding information about each table of the application, to get the primary key of the table. This primary key can then be used in the SQL command to extract all the related fields we have for this table in Field.dbf for the validation.

Not all the fields may be present in the HTML form in regards to the list of fields we have in Field.dbf for the validation. A small function IsProcess() is called to make sure the field is present. If it is, the validation will occur.

Another function is used to retrieve the HTML field value of each field present in the form, in regards to Field.dbf for the validation. This function is called GetProcess(). It returns the HTML field value.

Here is the code of the Validate() method:

* Validation from Field.dbf
LOCAL lcAlias,lnLen,lcTable,lnNumero,lcField,lcFieldMemory
LOCAL lnOldSel,lcUpper,lnOldRec,lnNoProvinceValue,lnNoCountryValue,lcRight,lnNumeroTable
LOCAL lcCodeValue,lcCharReject,lnCounter,lcCharacter,lcStringNot,lcString

* Get the table ID
lcTable=PADR(lcAlias,lnLen,' ')

* Get all the fields for this table for the validation
SELECT Field.Field,Field.Mandatory,Field.Uppercase,Field.PutUp,Field.PutUpMod,;
 Field.MaxLength,Field.CreditCard FROM Field;
 WHERE NoTable=lnNumeroTable INTO CURSOR TempSaveTemplate

* Apply the validation on all fields

   * If we are in the administration module and if we bypass the validation
   IF This.lAdmin AND Admin


   * Make sure the field is present on the form
   IF IsProcess(lcField)

      * Type of field
      DO CASE
         CASE This.cType='C'
         CASE This.cType='N'
         CASE This.cType='I'
         CASE This.cType='M'
         CASE This.cType='D'
         CASE This.cType='T'
      SELECT TempSaveTemplate


      * The content cannot be empty
      IF Mandatory
         DO CASE
            CASE INLIST(This.cType,'C','M')
               IF LEN(This.xValue)=0
                  RETURN .F.
            CASE INLIST(This.cType,'N','I')
               IF This.xValue=0
                  RETURN .F.

      * No uppercase
      IF Uppercase
         IF LEN(This.xValue)>0
            IF This.xValue=UPPER(This.xValue)

               * This is to avoid something like 11111 to be considered upper
               IF VAL(This.xValue)=0
                  RETURN .F.


      * We need to check for valid characters
      * If certain characters are present with a PRE tag, then, that's ok
      IF Tag
         IF NOT This.CheckForValidCharacter()
            RETURN .F.

      * We need to remove any style from specific tags
      IF Style
         IF NOT This.CheckStyle()
            RETURN .F.

      * Verify is the string contains obscenities
      IF Obscenity
         IF NOT This.Obscenity()
            RETURN .F.

      * Province or state
      IF Province

         * If we have additional addresses in the table, we will bind the country
         * field with the same province field
         IF VAL(lcRight)>0

         * If a province has been selected, it has to match the country
         IF lnNoProvince>0
            SELECT Province
            SEEK lnNoProvince ORDER TAG Numero
            IF lnNoCountry<>NoCountry
               RETURN .F.
            SELECT TempSaveTemplate

         * If US or Canada, a province is required
         IF lnNoProvince=0 AND INLIST(lnNoCountry,1,2)
            RETURN .F.


      * Email
      IF Email
         IF NOT This.ValidateEmail()
            RETURN .F.

      * Unique
      IF Unique
         IF lnNumero=0 OR (lnNumero>0 AND UPPER(EVALUATE(lcField))<>UPPER(This.xValue))
            SEEK PADR(lcUpper,lnLen,' ') ORDER TAG (lcField)
            IF FOUND()
               RETURN .F.
         SELECT TempSaveTemplate

      * Postal code or zip code
      IF Code

         * If we have additional addresses in the table, we will bind the country
         * field with the same province field
         IF VAL(lcRight)>0
         * Canada
         IF lnNoCountry=1

            * Must be seven characters
            IF LEN(lcCodeValue)<>7
               RETURN .F.

            * Must have a space in the middle
            IF SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,4,1)<>' '
               RETURN .F.

            * Must be alpha, digit, alpha, space, digit, alpha, digit
            IF NOT ISALPHA(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,1,1)) AND NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,2,1)) AND;
             NOT ISALPHA(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,3,1)) AND NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,5,1)) AND;
             NOT ISALPHA(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,6,1)) AND NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,7,1))
               RETURN .F.


         * United States
         IF lnNoCountry=2

            * Must be five digits or five digits, followed by a dash and four digits
            IF LEN(lcCodeValue)<>5 AND LEN(lcCodeValue)<>10
               RETURN .F.

            * Must be all digits
            IF LEN(lcCodeValue)=5
               IF NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,1,1)) OR NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,2,1)) OR;
                NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,3,1)) OR NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,4,1)) OR;
                NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,5,1))
                  RETURN .F.

            * Must be five digits, followed by a dash and four digits
            IF LEN(lcCodeValue)=10
               IF NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,1,1)) OR NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,2,1)) OR;
                NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,3,1)) OR NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,4,1)) OR;
                NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,5,1)) OR NOT SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,6,1)='-' OR;
                NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,7,1)) OR NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,8,1)) OR;
                NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,9,1)) OR NOT ISDIGIT(SUBSTR(lcCodeValue,10,1))
                  RETURN .F.


      * Initial
      IF Initial
         IF LEN(This.xValue)=1 OR (LEN(This.xValue)=2 AND SUBSTR(This.xValue,2,1)='.')
            RETURN .F.

      * Minimum length
      IF MinLength>0
         IF This.cType='M'
            IF LEN(This.xValue)0
         IF This.cType='M'
            IF LEN(This.xValue)>MaxLength
               RETURN .F.

      * Characters rejected
      IF LEN(lcCharReject)>0
         IF INLIST(This.cType,'C','M')
            FOR lnCounter=1 TO LEN(lcCharReject)
               IF lcCharacter$This.xValue
                  RETURN .F.

      * Strings rejected
      IF LEN(lcStringNot)>0
         IF INLIST(This.cType,'C','M')
            FOR lnCounter=1 TO ParmCnt(lcStringNot)
               IF UPPER(lcString)$UPPER(This.xValue)
                  RETURN .F.

      * Values rejected
      IF LEN(lcStringNot)>0
         IF INLIST(This.cType,'C','M')
            FOR lnCounter=1 TO ParmCnt(lcStringNot)
               IF UPPER(lcString)==UPPER(This.xValue)
                  RETURN .F.

      * Numeric field
      IF NumericF
         IF ZeroValue
            IF This.xValue<>0 AND NOT (This.xValue>=NumericLo AND This.xValue<=NumericHi)
               RETURN .F.
            IF NOT (This.xValue>=NumericLo AND This.xValue<=NumericHi)
               RETURN .F.

      * Same key not accepted
      IF SameKey
         IF INLIST(This.cType,'C','M')
            IF LEN(This.xValue)>0 AND UPPER(This.xVvalue)=REPLICATE(SUBSTR(This.xValue,1,1),;
               RETURN .F.

      * Credit card
      IF CreditCard

         * Verify for all digits
         FOR lnCounter=1 TO LEN(This.xValue)
            IF NOT ISDIGIT(lcString)
               RETURN .F.

         * We need to have at least 15 characters
         IF LEN(This.xValue)<15
            RETURN .F.

         * We cannot have more than 16 characters
         IF LEN(This.xValue)>16
            RETURN .F.


      * PutUp
      IF PutUp

      * If we save in uppercase
      IF SaveUpper

      * If we save in lowercase
      IF SaveLower

      * URL
      IF URL


Not all the code is included in this article. However, this should give you a good idea of the potential available for validation when time comes to validate a HTML form by the use of a data dictionary. For the purpose of this article, I only included the code of the Validate() method.

The credit card field

The credit card field in Field.dbf is used to identify a field for credit card validations in regards to the number. For now, what the code does is to make sure we only have digits, that we at least 15 characters and not more than 16. This is good enough to validate the basic rules for Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

With the current design of Field.dbf and this object, it would have been possible to achieve the same without defining any code for this credit card validation. We already have a field in Field.dbf to identify if the field should be numeric, another one for the minimum length and another one for the maximum length. However, it has been done like that for expandability in order to enhance this code later on to insert additional credit card verifications such as a proper credit card number before querying the gateway and some other similar functions. This also allows us to only check one field in Field.dbf to obtain this logic instead of defining multiple ones to achieve the same.

Putting it all together

For our demo, I am including a test form for a data entry of the address of a member. I have included all the fields that appear in the form in Field.dbf. Thus, all of them applies, in this case, to our validation object. They will be processed one by one. As soon as a validation message applies, the process will stop and the control returns to the caller object. The caller object can then use of cValidationMessage property to extract the validation message.

Here is a representation of the Field.dbf table for the fields that belongs to the member table in regards to our test form:

When we update a record, it looks like this:

Our test form looks as follow:

When the user tries to save, if a validation message applies, we can then regenerate the form, with the pre-entered values the user entered, and the validation message. So, from this point, the user can continue to work on the form by adjusting the related field value based on the validation message he received.

In the case of our test form, if the user tries to save, he should get the following message:

Michel Fournier, Level Extreme Inc.
Michel Fournier is a professional, visionary, perfectionist, mostly known for his renowned realizations over the years, designer, architect, owner of the « Level Extreme Platform », formerly known as the « Universal Thread », recognized as one of the longest running Web sites of the planet, also known as a precursor to social networking, product manager, Internet serial entrepreneur, practiced Lean Startup techniques long before they were known, out of the box thinker, using the tenth man rule, specializes in building entire virtual data center solutions, has provided high end IT consulting worldwide, has owned and operated three companies, delivered worldwide renowned e-commerce Web sites, designed and architected two world class top level development frameworks, wrote over 100 IT articles for various sources, presented at user groups, conventions and corporations nationwide as well as in the US, has provided his contribution in political and legal issues to provide a better world, Owner and Senior IT Consultant at Level Extreme Inc., former Architect Software/Application & Project Manager, 7 times Microsoft Most Valued Professional for VB.NET, 7 times Microsoft Most Valued Professional for Visual FoxPro, Developers Choice award for best site at VFP DevCon 2000 Connections in New Orleans, featured in Acadie Nouvelle on October 2003.
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UTMag/RapoZine team Editors Michel Fournier Claudio Lassala Co-editor Martín Salías Translation coordinators Claudio Lassala Martín Salías Translators Eduardo Vidigal Rodolfo Duarte Fábio Vazquez José Cavalcanti Moacyr Zalcman Fábio Vieira M...
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UTMag/RapoZine team Editors Michel Fournier Claudio Lassala Co-editor Martín Salías Translation coordinators Claudio Lassala Martín Salías Translators Eduardo Vidigal Rodolfo Duarte Fábio Vazquez José Cavalcanti Moacyr Zalcman Fábio Vieira M...
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UTMag/RapoZine team Editors Michel Fournier Claudio Lassala Co-editor Martín Salías Translation coordinators Claudio Lassala Martín Salías Translators Eduardo Vidigal Rodolfo Duarte Fábio Vazquez José Cavalcanti Moacyr Zalcman Fábio Vieira M...
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UTMag/RapoZine team Editors Michel Fournier Claudio Lassala Translation coordinators Claudio Lassala Martín Salías Translators Eduardo Vidigal Rodolfo Duarte Fábio Vazquez José Cavalcanti Moacyr Zalcman Fábio Vieira Martín Salías Antonio Castañ...
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It was a year ago. The DevConnections team was holding the Visual FoxPro DevCon 2000, the SQL Server Connections and the DevCon 2000 in New Orleans, Louisiana from May 14 to 18, 2000. For the first time, attendees were able to attend sessions from more than one conference at the same time. This offe...
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Michel Fournier, March 1, 2002
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