05/10/2005 18:55:17
05/10/2005 14:41:53
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>>Second, Dotnet as overkill.....If you are talking about creating a system from scratch, you could probably develop a simple system quicker then dotnet. However, developers don't develop dotnet apps from scratch. They have developed libraries that make development much quicker.
>>>>>The way you reply does'nt surprise me. I never said anything about creating a system from scratch. I just asked a (what I thought to be) simple question.
>>>>>Care to answer to that question again? On second thought forget that I'm sure you'll find another way out.
>>>>>For example I can tell you that in some situations VFP (local cursors) would'nt look like a good solutions to propose to a potential customer. I guess it's primarily a matter of respecting the people you work for. Proposing the tool that really fits with the job to be done.
>>>>>Here again I'm sure that your (potential) reply will contains only the pasted text that you see fit to a .net reply.
>>>>>>Aren't you curious at all as too why so many have left VFP?
>>>>>Easy to answer this. When you scare people hard enough after a while you'll get them to follow you or to leave that b*stard product that you (the owning enterprise) never really liked to begin with. The product was bought to take the good pieces from it and incorporate it into other deficient products.
>>>>>Perhaps for a short period they were thrilled about the fox seeing all the potential but after some time they saw that they were close to create a monster
>>>>>and that that monster was going to affect the sales of some of their other products. So from that day the Fox was in disgrace within MS.
>>>>>After that comes .Net who can't live without the other products from MS. So from that day everybody lives happily forever... Forever hmm maybe not the b*stard son is still around somewhere trying to survive the evil plan put forward by MS (No more major version announced, No more marketing...)
>>>>This sounds like the beginning of a Cenderalla story.
>>>>The b*stard stepchild that is put in a closet when ever guest come around.
>>You think that's funny. I first heard that last statement from a member of VFPT.
>Is that member still within the VFP Team or did he resign recently? <g>

To prevent the controversy, I purposely left their name out of it.
Greg Reichert