10/09/2006 08:51:41
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>I'm going to respond to your other points later, but I'll say this for right now:
>Wikipedia has Hezbollah formed/announced in 1985, so their role in the bombing of the Marine barracks is disputeable.
>(Trying very hard not to laugh). I'm happy to hear that you're an expert at Wikipedia look-ups and navigation. Go talk to military experts - Hezbollah (with Iran backing) was 100% responsible for bombing the Marine barracks. While Hezbollah wasn't announced until 1985, it was formed in 1982, with arms and money from Iran.

Laugh all you want. It will only betray your deep incisive knowledge on the subject.
Here's a quotation for another Wikipedia article on the topic:
Many in the U.S. government do not claim Hezbollah is responsible for the marine barracks attack. For example in 2001 Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense under Reagan at the time of the attacks stated: "But we still do not have the actual knowledge of who did the bombing of the Marine barracks at the Beirut Airport, and we certainly didn't then."
In the same article it also says "It is uncertain as to who is responsible for the bombing although several radical Shiite militant groups claimed responsibility for the attacks, and one, the Free Islamic Revolutionary Movement, identified the two suicide bombers as Abu Mazen and Abu Sijaan.". Strikes me as odd, the name "Abu Mazen". Isn't that the name (pseudonym) of the Prime Minister of "Palestine"?

If I am the leader or participant in a group called say "GOFF" (Get Out Foreign Fighters) and then a few years later my/that group forms/joins a new group called "Hezbollah", does that mean that all deeds done by the GOFF group can be historically attributed to the new group? I don't think so.

>You consider that the Iranian "revolution" raid on the U.S. embassy there and kidnapping of U.S. citizens for 444 days justification for bombing cities of Iran?
>Absolutely. We should have crushed them.

I'm assuming that is (and your later 2-words response) just there to push buttons on a dull day for you.
