13/09/2006 10:49:35
13/09/2006 09:37:10
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In the mornings before I get to work, I often stop at a little place in an underground mall called 'Fit For Life' to get a western sandwich for breakfast (a 'denver' for those of you out west). The guys who run the place are from India and their accents are actually pretty minor. But there is a woman who also stops there, and when they see her coming, one of the guys calls out to the cook, "New York fried egg". It took me maybe 20 times of hearing it and wondering what a 'New York' fried egg is before I finally realized he was actually saying "No yolk fried egg".

>Time to visit Myrtle Beach in the summer again Jay! The majority of labor in the bars, stores, and parking lots is all Irish. Wonderful accent but very difficult to understand! It took three repeats before I understood that the parking lot attendent was actually trying to say 'three' in English for how many hours we could stay without paying more... :o) My daughter loved it. :o) Don't know why he never just held up three fingers...
>>>>Our firm become a Microsoft partner. Today I needed to talk with a Microsoft worker from Ireland.
>>>>He only asked me an ID number and a phone number and I difficulty understood him. He wasn't talking like in the films or non-english speakers. I went to Taiwan and I can talk with chinese people in english but I couldn't talk with him (Microsoft's worker) even only two words. :((
>>>Take heart, Metin. WE can't understand the Irish either! :-)
>>Back in the mid-90s I worked in Manhattan and worked with an Irishman who came over weeks earlier with 3 of his cousins. We would sit around drinking lukewarm Guiness and they would talk on and on and I would constantly say, "Huh? What was that? Say that again." It took me months to understand most of what they were saying. And the drunker they got, the harder it was. His favorite phrase was, "Oh bullocks!" I think it's swearing, but since no one else knew what he meant, no offense was taken...