20/09/2006 10:04:08
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The point was to illustrate several things, chief among them being that there are much greater issues that should be occupying the liberal mind other than the constant wailing and knashing of teeth over Bush. I'd like to hear solutions coming from the left, instead of a constant barrage of "Bush is a moron" and "Cheney is going to eat my baby".

We are facing, in my mind, one of the greatest threats to our way of life since the rise of Fascism in the 1920's. And yet, as the author points out, liberals are constantly getting wound up about non-issues such as whether the term "Islamofascism" is correct or not. And, unfortunately, the reaction of a lot of people here simply confirms what the author is saying. Hey, this is one of your own, guys! Does that not mean anything to you? Forget the fact that a conservative posted it, let's debate what the man is saying!

So, no apologies from me. I didn't write it. I'm just suggesting you read it. If it makes you uncomfortable, that's the point. We are at war, a war not of our own making, a war that will go on for years until radical Islam either wins or is reduced to a fringe element, much as radical Christianity is now. The sooner we collectively realize this and pull together to fight it, the better.
Dan LeClair
SET RANT ON - The Wombat Blog

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