25/09/2006 12:47:31
Keith Payne
Technical Marketing Solutions
Florida, United States
General information
Microsoft SQL Server
Database management
Environment versions
SQL Server:
SQL Server 2005
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Hi Ivan,

Personally I tend to stay away from database management kits that perform schema changes because I like to keep the scripts in files that can be checked into source control, shadow-copied, and backed up. And since all changes start from hand-written scripts, I don't have to worry about the difference analyzer picking up any extraneous objects that are scattered around the development environment. It also lets me put lots of comments inside the scripts for myself and anyone that may come in behind me to work on the project.

I used to feel that maintaining scripts was outdated and a terrible waste of effort when there were so many good tools around to do it automatically. But I've become a convert in the last year or so after seeing all of the different sorts of problems that pop up when working in a multi-developer, multi-project environment and relying on tools to deploy database changes.

>Just to add my new experience in deploying and maintaining SQL structures ... I'm using the Database Deployment Toolkit from the guys of StrataFrame ( and I'm enjoying it a lot.
>>Hey Keith,
>>Never tried it with an XML document, but you may be right ... and if so, that might be the way to go when (if) I ever convert this to a .NET utility instead of using VFP ... not gonna happen any time soon though, too much other stuff that needs to get done. <g>
>>>>We use a little VFP utility I wrote a few years ago. This is shipped with our .NET product. Basically, we store all the T-SQL scripts to change the database schema in a VFP table ... each row in the VFP table has a column that tells which "version" the schema change is for, along with the T-SQL in a memo column. There is a table in the SQL database that contains a column with the version that the SQL datasbase currently is at. The VFP utility reads the SQL database's version and, if it's out-of-date based on the VFP table's version, it will apply all the schema changes after that version to the SQL database.
>>>>Here's a little blurb I wrote a few years ago showing how to do some of this using SQL-DMO. It's not the full utility ... some is left as an exercise for the reader <g> ... but I think it's enough to show you how to use SQL-DMO along with T-SQL schema change scripts, to maintain the SQL database.
>>>>*   We've primarily used SQLDMO to do things that were easier to do
>>>>*   with it, then with VFP. Executing scripts in particular is much
>>>>*   easier with SQLDMO. Things like creating a Database we continued
>>>>*   to do with VFP. At some point, our utility needs to be transported
>>>>*   to .NET, and I expect that I'll be having to figure out how to do
>>>>*   more with SQLDMO, but for now, here's the few things I've learned
>>>>*   to do.
>>>>*-- The easiest thing that you can do to explore the object model
>>>>*   is of course, just create an instance and play with it with
>>>>*   Intellisense:
>>>>oSqlDMO AS SQLDMO.SqlServer
>>>>*--  First, this is how you connect:
>>>>oSqlDMO.Connect("MyServer", "MyUserName", "MyPassword")
>>>>*-- I haven't figured out how to verify this connection. I think it
>>>>*   throws an exception if it doesn't get a good connection, but I
>>>>*   haven't tested that. If so, you can trap for errors.
>>>>*   I've just used the old method of connecting with VFP's
>>>>*   SqlStringConnect() at least let's you know if your connection
>>>>*   was successful, so until I get around to figuring it out
>>>>*   I've been connecting with SqlStringConnect first, then using
>>>>*   SqlDMO.
>>>>*   Also, haven't figure out how to suppress messages, as the
>>>>*   SqlSetProp() does. Need to figure this stuff out eventually.
>>>>*-- And of course, don't forget disconnecting:
>>>>*-- Run a script against an existing Database. In our case, we
>>>>*   have a VFP table containing all the scripts we need to run against
>>>>*   our SQL database in order to update it to our current version:
>>>>oDatabase AS SQLDMO.Databases
>>>>oDatabase = oSqlDMO.Databases("MyDataBase")
>>>>*-- need to catch errors gracefully, so that we can rollback transaction
>>>>oops = .F.
>>>>ON ERROR oops = .T.
>>>>SELECT sqlscript
>>>>	WAIT WINDOW 'Running script ' + scriptkey NOWAIT
>>>>	oDatabase.ExecuteImmediate(sqlscript.scripttext)
>>>>	IF oops
>>>>		AERROR(aa)
>>>>		EXIT
>>>>	ENDIF
>>>>IF oops
>>>>	oSqlDMO.RollbackTransaction()
>>>>	lcMsg = "Script " + sqlscript.scriptkey + " had the following problems: " + ;
>>>>	        CHR(13) + CHR(13) + aa[2] + CHR(13) + CHR(13) + ;
>>>>	        "The database has been rolled back to it's previous condition, "
>>>>	oSqlDMO.CommitTransaction()
>>>>*   Removing a database from SqlServer is a permanent and irreversible
>>>>*   action, so be sure you really mean it!!
>>>>oDatabase = oSqlDMO.Databases("MyDataBase")
>>>>*    Good enough for now to get you started. Have fun playing!!
>>>Hey Bonnie, that looks like it would work really well with XML too. An XML document where each schema change element has an attribute with the version # and the actual script as the contents of the element. Just have to make sure that the document is set to preserve whitespace.