27/09/2006 07:14:22
27/09/2006 07:02:39
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
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>>Hi Chaps
>>I've written a prog to work in FPD, to read in an XLS/CSV file and create a table (from a given copy struct).
>>For ease of use I've been testing it in VFP and everything's hunky-dory. BUT the resultant table is not knowable from FPD26. So I've rebuilt the FPD proj and created a new EXE for it.
>>When I run this, a date field that yields, say, 11/04/2006 in VFP, ends up with XX/XX/1920.
>>I've got century on, date british
>>Select IntermTable
>>Skip				&& 26/09/06 just to skip XLS/CSV header, col headings rec
>>Scan Rest
>>  Scatter MEMVAR
>>  Select DestFB1
>>  Append Blank
>>  Replace Operator    with tnOperator, ;	
>>  	 Journey	    with VAL( m.B), ;	
>>  	 Route	    with PADL( ALLTRIM( m.C), 4, "0"), ;
>>  	 Date	    with CTOD( m.E), ;
>>  	 Class	    with PADL( ALLTRIM( m.D), 4, "0"), ;
>>  	 TickTime    with ALLTRIM( m.F), ;
>>  	 Number	    with VAL( m.G), ;
>>  	 Fare	    with VAL( m.H), ;
>>  	 Value	    with VAL( m.I), ;
>>  	 OStage	    with PADL( ALLTRIM( m.J), 4, "0"), ;
>>  	 DStage	    with PADL( ALLTRIM( m.K), 4, "0"), ;
>>  	 Driver	    with VAL( m.L), ;
>>  	 Bus	    with VAL( m.M), ;
>>  	 Duty	    with VAL( m.N)
>>IntermTable is that into which the XLS is initially imported.
>>The s/s/ date is in the form: XX-XX-2006
>>I've just realised that I haven't Set Mark to "-" - would that make any difference?
>>Obviously, somewhere the s/w is treating the date as short (as with Cent off) but I can't figure out how/why.
>>Any ideas?
>>'ppreciate it

Hi Cetin

>I can't explain why VFP would return correct date vs FPD. You're doing a replace ( ctod(m.e) ). That makes me suspect field e width is 8 and not 10 which

That would have explained it to me immediately too. No, intercepting the imported, intermediate table, INTERMTABLE

? CTOD(ALLTRIM(E)) yields 11-06-2006
? ALLTRIM(E) yields 11-06-2006

Browsing shows all dates in their glory. I mean, I did check all this.

>would explain it returning as 1920. Hard case:) FPD just works right for me.
>PS: "-" wouldn't make a difference. And why don't you get it as date into intermtable in the first place?

I wasn't aware that the command:

Import From &tcXLSFilePath Type XLS && produces DBF copy of XLS file, with same name

had the ability to specify that the XLS date-looking field convert into a FP date field in the resultant table. How to do this?

- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.