28/09/2006 07:23:58
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You are not the target market for buying something from them. Spam has essentially two main purposes; (1) to get you to buy something, (2) as a way to infect your pc with malware. In the first case it's a numbers game. For each X million spam mails Y% will follow the sales pitch. In the second case simply opening or viewing a spam email on un-patched pc can be enough to infect you.

>I figured something like that but it's like admitting they're not legit, not trustworthy, as thy've obviously used subterfuge just to get to you. Thus I would never do ANY business with any business using such foot-in-the-door tactics. It's like a door-to-door salesman pitching to you but showing a brochure with nothing but non-sensical drivel on it.
>Finding "PenYs Enl@rgement" in a title, for another example, just shows similar subtefuge, like admitting to a businessman that they've tricked his secretary in order to get to see him.
>Essentially, what I'm saying is that such techniques can only serve to put off the potential buyer (not that I'm in the market for such products, you understand).
>>The random nature of the words is designed to bypass and fool simple spam filtering systems that work on pattern matching known spam words and phrases.
>>>Why DO those spams contain such garbage text, almost like a story narrative but nonsensical, like" We walked in the garden of brilliance while scorpions and such fish always take highway notices in good companions..." ?
>>>It's like telling you, the moment you open the message, that it's not legit. I can't see why most of them are ever sent: "Reply to your message" "Hi Bill", etc. with garbage. How do they think such titles and messages will get people's interest?
>>>>As a general rule it's a good idea to avoid looking at any messages you might suspect are spam.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.