02/10/2006 14:02:33
02/10/2006 13:57:11
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Then there was Confgressman Gerry Studds...

>Don't forget Sen Byrd. Why does he (of whom his history is well known) get a free pass?
>I posted these scary links before:
>It is terrifying if even one is true...
>>Thinking as a human:
>>Representative Mark Foley acts like the typical republican hypocrite. Holier than thou and all of that. He chaired the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, the co-author of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety act of 2006 and work with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children,
>>I am sure that little will be said about this event. The republicans will see to that. Just another day in the life of a republican. If you are a republican and involved in any type of scandal it is all right. It is expected and goes with the territory. Just blame everything on Bill Clinton. Be sure to avoid reality. Do not look into your own backyard.
>>Thinking as a republican:
>>This is obviously a liberal conspiracy. The democrats are responsible for the undoing of a fine man. It is obvious that Congressman Mark Foley (R) is a God fearing man and can do no wrong. Why the media should never have told this story. Who is responsible for this information becoming public? We should have a full congressional investigation as to the source and jail everyone involved – even those who were made aware of this event through the media! A special council should be appointed immediately and all those who leaked or heard the story should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If no law exists then create one and make it retroactive
>>Righteousness is a key element of all republicans. I am not willing to standby and see a fine man’s career destroyed for doing something that should not be made public!
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.
- Alexis de Tocqueville

No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
– Mark Twain (1866)