03/10/2006 13:34:26
03/10/2006 12:56:30
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>>>>>>>>>>Define 'crispy'. Do you want them to snap when bent like crispy bacon? How crisp is crispy?
>>>>>>>>>The discussion started, really, with McDonald's "fries" always being "crispy", so use those as your guide.
>>>>>>>>But their fries are frozen. Not a good comparison. I have made crispy fresh fries, but the oil had to be pretty hot to start with and could not put many fries in at a time or it cools the oil down.
>>>>>>>That's what started the whole discussion.. after "crispy" was mentioned I countered with 'crispy isn't the natural state of FRESH French fries (and the others said it was).
>>>>>>>I make 1 potato's worth of fries in a batch, with oil near smoking.
>>>>>>>Last night I tried the drying them off trick and it made a big difference in the cooking time (much shorter) but not a whit crispier.
>>>>>>>I will be trying the double-cooking method some time in the future.
>>>>>>Did you not merit my oven-drying submission?
>>>>>I did (of course!!) but considered that similar to just patting dry but more work.
>>>>>But I'll add that to my list of things to try too.
>>>>The best way to get crispy fries is to go buy them at McDonalds :) But, seriously, the best of the best french fries is only available in ... Belgium, with mayonaise!
>>>With mayonaise???!! MY LORD; has the world finally come to this? ;)
>>Don't mock. Since I tried them I love 'em that way. Esp. as oven chips can tend to be dry and tasteless,
>>BTW We Brits like our chips with salt & vinegar on them. The smell of this wafting from a "chippy" is practically irresistable.
>Sloppy, salt and vinegar drenched chips ... it should be classified as a wmd.

Why sloppy and drenched? 'pends how much vinegar you put on them. The ones in the bottom of the bag, at the end, can be, but they tend to be among the most choice. It's all national taste
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.