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Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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Message ID:
>Dudes and Dudettes,
>I'm having a bit of a problem translating a VFP SELECT statement to MySQL.
>The following is the code I have so far. The "//" lines are the original
>VFP code, and the lines right underneath the //'s are the MySQL translation.
>Here's what I have so far:
>//SELECT x.dsid, x.rdt, HOUR(x.rdt) as rdt_hour,
>SELECT x.dsid, x.rdt, date_format(x.rdt,'%h') as rdt_hour, ;
>//MINUTE(x.rdt) as rdt_min, ;
>date_format(x.rdt,'%i') as rdt_min,
>//x.ttyp, x.tnum, t.cname as tco, ;
>x.ttyp, x.tum, t.cname as tco,
>//ALLTRIM(org.ccity)+", "+ALLTRIM(org.cstate) as origin_city, ;
>concat(TRIM(org.ccity), ", ", TRIM(org.cstate)) as origin_city,
>//org.cname as origin_loc, ;
>org.cname as orgin_loc,
>//dst.cname as dest_loc, ;
>dst.cname as dest_loc,
>//ALLTRIM(dst.ccity)+", "+ALLTRIM(dst.cstate) as dest_city, ;
>concat(TRIM(dst.ccity), ", ",TRIM(dst.cstate) as dest_city,
>//cmp.cname as client, ;
>cmp.cname as client,
>//y.afe, y.type, y.bkname, y.rgname, y.wname, SUBSTR(CMONTH(rdt),1,3)+SUBSTR(ALLTRIM(str(YEAR(rdt))),3,2)+SUBSTR(dsid,2,10) as dnum, ;
>y.afe, y.type, y.bkname, y.rgname, y.wname, CONCAT(date_format(rdt,'%b'), date_fomat(rdt,'%y'),substring(dsheet.dsid,2,10)) as dnum,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as bRate, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as bRate,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as ISC, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as ISC,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as FSC, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as FSC,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as per, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as per,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as nen, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as nen,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as haz, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as haz,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as hr, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as hr,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as det, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as det,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as other, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as other,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as sTotal, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as sTotal,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as bHaul, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as bHaul,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as Total, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as Total,
>//x.fsc-x.fsc as Savings, ;
>x.fsc-x.fsc as Savings,
>//x.edt, HOUR(x.edt) as edt_hour, ;
>x.edt, date_format(x.edt,'%h') as edt_hour,
>//MINUTE(x.edt) as edt_min, ;
>date_format(x.edt,'%i') as edt_min,
>//ALLTRIM(uo.fname)+" "+ALLTRIM(uo.lname) as orderedby, ;
>concat(TRIM(uo.fname), " ", TRIM(uo.lname)) as orderedby,
>//ALLTRIM(ue.fname)+" "+ALLTRIM(ue.lname) as enteredby ;
>concat(TRIM(ue.fname), " ",TRIM(ue.lname)) as enteredby
>//FROM c_d!dsheet x ;
>FROM dsheet x
>//LEFT OUTER JOIN c_d!accounts y ON x.acc = y.afeid ;
>LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts y ON x.acc = y.afeid
>//LEFT JOIN c_d!companies cmp ON cmp.cmpid = y.cmpid ;
>LEFT JOIN companies cmp ON cmp.cmpid = y.cmpid
>//LEFT JOIN c_d!companies org ON org.cmpid = x.ploc ;
>LEFT JOIN companies org ON org.cmpid = x.ploc
>//LEFT JOIN c_d!companies dst ON dst.cmpid = x.sloc ;
>LEFT JOIN companies dst ON dst.cmpid = x.sloc
>//LEFT JOIN c_d!companies t ON t.cmpid = x.tco ;
>LEFT JOIN companies t ON t.cmpid = x.tco
>//LEFT JOIN c_d!users uo ON uo.uid = x.dby ;
>LEFT JOIN users uo ON uo.uid = x.dby
>//LEFT JOIN c_d!users ue ON ue.uid = x.eby ;
>LEFT JOIN users ue ON ue.uid = x.eby
>//WHERE cmp.cname like lcCname ;
>WHERE cmp.cname like lcCname   ***** NOTE: this is a local variable in VFP! *****
>//AND TTOD(rdt) >= ldDateLow ;
>//AND TTOD(rdt) <= ldDateHigh ;
>//AND DELETED() = .F. ;
>//AND x.acc = lcAccID ;
>[NOTE: Decided to stop here when I saw the "INTO CURSOR" code. Hold all horses! :^)]
>Okay. I have a couple of questions. First, what the heck is "x.fsc-x.fsc as Savings"
>and the other lines like it? Is this just an easy way to set these values to zero?
>If so, why would the original programmer want to do this? This is a query is used
>in report generation, and the code does and OLEControl call to Crystal Reports 10.
>Does this have anything to do with this, folks?

I think so. It get zero but keep field type, becuase if you put: 0 AS Savings you will get an integer field, not float or money.

>Also, I know that MySQL supports cursors using embedded SQL (in C), but I have
>yet to find out via books like "SQL: The Complete Reference 2nd Ed" and "MySQL 2nd Edition"
>(and web search) if SQL or MySQL supports VFP-like cursors natively. If they don't,
>would anyone out there suggest the best way to pull this off (besides the way that
>uses uses a billon variables and doesn't really act like a cursor? :^) )??? I guess
>I could just throw the cursor away and not use it, but would that be to my

What do you mean with VFP like cursor? and where you wan tot use it? I am not so familiar with MySQL but all articles I read about SQL Sever said: Stay away from cursors :-) they decrease speed dramaticly.
Against Stupidity the Gods themselves Contend in Vain - Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
The only thing normal about database guys is their tables.