03/10/2006 14:06:58
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Hello Tamar,

No I haven't read the book, I'll try to find a copy

I agree that companies should be looking at the long term, but in reality they are looking quarter to quarter and so are their stockholders. If they felt that it was in their own interest to cultivate long term goodwill, they would do so.

I don't shop there because I am fortunate enough not to have to, and I can't stand the crowded stores and parking lots. My daughter (in college, living on her own) does shop there, because it makes a big difference in her budget. She doesn't work there because there are other opportunities.

If you don't like the store or the policies, don't shop/work there. When enough customers vocalize this, they will change their policies because it will be in their best interest to do so.


>>A lot of people do not realize what a fiduciary responsibility is,
>>from Wikipedia:
>>A fiduciary duty is the highest standard of care imposed at either equity or law. A fiduciary is expected to be extremely loyal to the person they owe the duty (the "principal"): they must not put their personal interests before the duty, and must not profit from their position as a fiduciary, unless the principal consents
>>By law, Walmarts board of directors MUST try to maximize shareholder value!
>But long term or short? Doesn't paying a living wage and building a brand that people want to be loyal to maximize shareholder value in the long run? Paying the lowest possible wages and pissing people off gives short-term gain, but long-term it probably costs.
>BTW, have you read Barbara Ehrenreich's "Nickle and Dimed"? It's one of those books everyone should read.
'If the people lead, the leaders will follow'
'War does not determine who is RIGHT, just who is LEFT'