04/10/2006 03:08:19
Neil Mc Donald
Cencom Systems P/L
The Sun, Australia
03/10/2006 21:18:07
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That it are.

>>You can't beat a good Chip Buty (Chip Sandwich for those that aren't aware of the term) with or without the Vinegar
>Add peanut butter to the sandwich (no vinegar in this case) and it's as close to heaven as one can get.
>>>>>>>>>>>Define 'crispy'. Do you want them to snap when bent like crispy bacon? How crisp is crispy?
>>>>>>>>>>The discussion started, really, with McDonald's "fries" always being "crispy", so use those as your guide.
>>>>>>>>>But their fries are frozen. Not a good comparison. I have made crispy fresh fries, but the oil had to be pretty hot to start with and could not put many fries in at a time or it cools the oil down.
>>>>>>>>That's what started the whole discussion.. after "crispy" was mentioned I countered with 'crispy isn't the natural state of FRESH French fries (and the others said it was).
>>>>>>>>I make 1 potato's worth of fries in a batch, with oil near smoking.
>>>>>>>>Last night I tried the drying them off trick and it made a big difference in the cooking time (much shorter) but not a whit crispier.
>>>>>>>>I will be trying the double-cooking method some time in the future.
>>>>>>>Did you not merit my oven-drying submission?
>>>>>>I did (of course!!) but considered that similar to just patting dry but more work.
>>>>>>But I'll add that to my list of things to try too.
>>>>>The best way to get crispy fries is to go buy them at McDonalds :) But, seriously, the best of the best french fries is only available in ... Belgium, with mayonaise!
>>>>With mayonaise???!! MY LORD; has the world finally come to this? ;)
>>>Don't mock. Since I tried them I love 'em that way. Esp. as oven chips can tend to be dry and tasteless,
>>>BTW We Brits like our chips with salt & vinegar on them. The smell of this wafting from a "chippy" is practically irresistable.
Regards N Mc Donald