04/10/2006 13:13:47
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It is possible that all this is occurring to the repubs because they are the party in power right now. But it just seems especially bad because, in order to garner the religious right vote, they trump themselves as the moral party.

Yet you have stories like this, and the guy who voted for and supported many pieces of anti-gay legislation and then finally came out of the closet. Limbaugh hooked on drugs...etc.

>Although many disagree with what I posted I did so for a reason. What side of the fence are you (third person) on? Both sides are NUTS! Democratic and Republican politicians in the light of the media have a certain position. We are seduced to think that the media representation is correct. Then we see the personalities and events unfold that have been of interest say for the last 20 years.
>Reality and responsibility have a problem within our society. We see finger pointing rather than responsible action. If you are not with us you are against us. Those who do not bow to the present administration will suffer in one way or another. The end result is that the entire nation and world suffer. Too bad those boobs in Washington D.C. cannot work together to represent us and our nation rather than the whims of a questionable group of politicians.
>By the way I based my original post upon the events we have experienced since the Richard Nixon days. It does not matter what party you belong to or support. We have some basic problems one of which is truthful representation. Name calling and passing the blame are not acceptable. Deal with problems and have respect and dignity for yourself and others. Work together to build a better society. We are too divided and for all the wrong reasons.
>I dislike the timing of this event but it has been going on for over three years. There may be more disclosures about other scandalous activities by our elected officials that will be brought to light in the immediate future.
>Having a double standard of conduct is not acceptable. You cannot say that you represent one thing and do as you please. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem. We have a choice and some choose to be a bit of each.
>I feel sorry for our nation as this is a sad moment. Being informed of what our political leaders are doing should not be reason to be called a liberal, Democrat, or unpatriotic. We should have a set of values that goes beyond this name-calling and deal with what has occurred and immediately! I think that our basic problem is loss of values.
>>>Just blame everything on Bill Clinton. Be sure to avoid reality. Do not look into your own backyard.
>>>Thinking as a republican:
>>>This is obviously a liberal conspiracy. The democrats are responsible for the undoing of a fine man.
>>I thought you were off the mark and way over the top sarcastic, but I need to reconsider....
>>SPEAKER HASTERT: There were two pieces of paper out there, one that we knew about and we acted on; one that happened in 2003 we didn't know about, but somebody had it, and, you know, they're trying -- and they drop it the last day of the session, you know, before we adjourn on an election year. Now, we took care of Mr. Foley. We found out about it, asked him to resign. He did resign. He's gone. We asked for an investigation. We've done that. We're trying to build better protections for these page programs.
>>But, you know, this is a political issue in itself, too, and what we've tried to do as the Republican Party is make a better economy, protect this country against terrorism -- and we've worked at it ever since 9/11, worked with the president on it -- and there are some people that try to tear us down. We are the insulation to protect this country, and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well.

>>Hunter: In two thin, mean paragraphs, Hastert manages to say that it's all a conspiracy by Democrats and/or by Foley's victims, and he says the kids who dared report the child sex predator the GOP had been shielding in their ranks are trying to "tear down" efforts to protect this country against terrorism. He says he's the "insulation" to protect this country -- when all the press reports out there say America would be stupid to trust Dennis Hastert to protect a Boy Scout troop.
>>Matt Drudge: Clip #1: And if anything, these kids are less innocent — these 16 and 17 year-old beasts…and I've seen what they're doing on YouTube and I've seen what they're doing all over the internet — oh yeah — you just have to tune into any part of their pop culture. You're not going to tell me these are innocent babies. Have you read the transcripts that ABC posted going into the weekend of these instant messages, back and forth? The kids are egging the Congressman on!
>>Jane Hamsher: I'm sorry but this really does take the cake for just about the worst thing I've ever seen the right wing try to apologize for. Isn't that what pedophiles always say? It's the kid's fault for seducing them? Right. And it gets better.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush