05/10/2006 15:50:35
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If improving the economy in Mexico (regardless of the higher status citizens' tendency to take any surplus for themselves since it is their 'right' and is owed to them since they are higher on the status pole) is all that is required to secure the United States then I think it behooves Canada to provide free medical care to all Americans to secure theirs! :0)

I have fond memories of meetings with Mayors, Business Leaders, wealthy landowners, and just about anyone who believes himself (yes, I meant himself) to be higher on the social ladder (or better class) in Mexico. Some fond memories:

1. You must arrive on time to meetings (it is expected of Americans) but it is also expected that the local will be 30 minutes late and will be considered 'on-time.'
2. Women must always wear makeup and dress feminine.
3. Women must laugh at sexist banter (such talk if common) but at the same time stress to their hosts that they are indeed businesswomen.
4. Women must host business meetings but never allow a businessman to show up without his spouse. If he does not have a spouse then you must invite a female relative of his (since affairs are common something else may be assumed).
5. Always stress the benefits to Mexico and especially the personal benefit to the Mexican.
6. Assume a gift will always be given and the gift must be in proportion to the deal being considered.
7. Mexicans get 'slighted' or 'insulted' very easily in business meetings - similar to the Japanese in that 'class' is everything and treatment must always reflect that you see the Mexican at a higher or equal 'class.'
8. A promise or giving his word does not mean it will be done when it is in business - only something in writing is honored and it is assumed you know this and expect this. Many promises go back and forth verbally with no intention of adhering to them in business until it is in writing. Sometimes promises kept are a step in the process of getting a final agreement signed and could involved months.
9. An initial meeting will include the most senior person and subsequent meetings will involve those with the specific expertise. This is typical - meetings start out at the top and go down and it is a sign that things are progressing well.
10. Class and seniority is very important - often geneology (very important is the more pure Spanish from Spain) is enough to put a person in a high position and bring respect to a business. Those 'individuals' are often in meetings to 'show face' and represent the company and it is considered a compliment if they attend your meetings (you are considered important).
11. I just remembered that I once knew a businessman who brought his brother's wife (not his) to all of his important business meetings because she could trace her ancestors all the way back to the early history of Spain.

Some of those may appear to be somewhat derogatory, but let me assure you, those are some real realities when doing business in Mexico (as you probably know). It is not anything really other than cultural differences. A few (not all) pertain to many of the Central American countries as well.

>>>>>Least we forget that Europeans are here illegally just as well as “Hispanics”. I would think that you might find an illegal Canadian or two in our country. Hating someone for any reason makes you superior. Some people are just more equal than others. Just ask a bigot!
>>>>And I say they should leave too. What are your views about illegals getting education, public subsidies and free health care?
>>>Simply go house to house, garage to garage, field to field and shoot the illegals. One estimate is that it would cost more than 5 trillion dollars to deport them. Bullets are cheap. Some collateral damage will be done but that is to be expected. With luck the authorities will miss our houses and not shoot us.
>>>Use the bodies as fertilizer and recycle the remains. We need to act fast as they are multiplying through one means or another. We have to get that fence built fast. That will solve the entire problem of future unwanted visitors.
>>>We must show fiscal responsibility and use a cost effective solution as I have described.
>>I'm disappointed, Tom. I was asking you seriously what your views were.
>One way I look at this problem is that we should have done something decades ago to help the economies and stability of Mexico and other nations close to us. Easier said then done. I think that the Fox government has been the first government in Mexico that had the potential to begin resolving the illegal immigrant issue beyond the Bracero program of 1942. . We could have done a better job and there is no reason to not try.
>I think that we are “stuck” with this problem. Over the last few decades we hear nothing about illegal aliens. Then we hear that INS has a policy of “hands off”. Next we hear about illegal aliens being found at different workplaces and deported. Over the years the stories have changed but the problem remains.
>Whatever action we take against illegal aliens will in all probability be limited in scope. Public outcry, political awareness, election cycle and available resources will dictate what and when action will be taken. This problem did not happen over night and it will take decades to sort out. Doing nothing is not an option. The question is what action should be taken? There are many sides to this issue.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"