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It is a U.S.A. organization ( that for several reasons feels filing this in Germany increases chances of success. It sounds reasonable to me:

CCR has reviewed new evidence and documentation that lays the responsibility for U.S. torture program directly at Rumsfeld’s feet. Rumsfeld himself authorized severe “special interrogation techniques” and other abusive, unlawful treatment of detainees. Rumsfeld’s resignation last week means that he can no longer claim immunity from international prosecution as a sitting government official.

Germany appears to be the court of last resort for a war crimes prosecution of Rumsfeld because the United States has tried to close the door to accountability. For example, the United States has failed to take any action to investigate high-level involvement in the torture program; Congress passed the Military Commissions Act last month, which tries to shield American officials from being prosecuted for war crimes here; and the United States has refused to join the International Criminal Court and has barred the Iraq from prosecuting U.S. officials in that country.

On the other hand, as a signatory to the treaty establishing the International Criminal Court, German law recognizes the principle of universal jurisdiction: that grave breaches of international law like the U.S. torture program authorized by Rumsfeld, must be investigated and, where called for, prosecuted no matter where the crime was committed or the nationality of those involved. CCR has filed this complaint in Germany because we represent torture victims who have yet to see justice, the truth has yet to be investigated and the United States is evading accountability.

Together we can make a difference. Stand with our plaintiffs who include Nobel Peace Prize winners and the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and tell the German Prosecutor that you support opening an investigation. With your support, we can show the world community that Americans think torture is immoral and illegal, and that its perpetrators -- wherever they are found -- must be held accountable. Act now.


Vincent Warren
Executive Director

>>>Looks like the lawsuit has been filed now....
>>>Even though they have a have former US Army Brigadier General on their side I'm sure Rumsfeld will never see the inside of a courtroom though....
>>"The lawsuit"? This is just a publicity stunt.
>I dunno - I think they're serious about it (and should be).

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush