17/11/2006 08:30:00
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>>>>>> And, as a kind of V.F.P. application we have to obey laws, some naturals others not.. As clicks, valid procedures, etc..
>>>>>Oh Lord forgive me as I've sinned ... I've been dealing with .NET. :)
>>>>>Just an ignorant question ... what if, let's say, amongst those 10 poor people (not very realistic example, but anyway), there was 1 gay man and 1 gay woman. Would you say they could live together? The ones that felt like procriating would do it, others wouldn't, with time, the population could grow, some would be heteros, some other gays, and live everybody happy forever and ever...
>>>>>Oh dear, got emotive now! hauuahuahuahuahusahuahua
>>>>Our hands are naturally done to get stuffs, etc..
>>>>For perpetuation, Our penis was naturally done to ejaculete sperm and to fecundate ova inside of the feminine ovary DOT
>>>>An anus wasn't made to receive a penis, in a long time brings greats diseases.. As also in a short one..
>>>>This is what we call natural.. It gives pleasure for gays but gives other bad things..
>>>>The relativism it is the tentative to rebuild old concepts.. Very good to break some paradigms.. But sometimes stupid to question some natural laws..
>>>So, what's your opinion about oral sex between heteros? Following your statements, it shouldn't be done, right?
>>>I'm dead curious to ask if you've had it, but it would be too personal a question. :)
>>No.. no... we're not on a sexual class.. talking about what gives us better satisfaction.. No.. the discussion is about many and many distorced views about what is natural or not.....
>>Acceptable doesn't turn anything into natural.. here is the point..
>>I'm not talking what is acceptable to you and me.. I'm talking what is natural..
>OK then, I'm getting to understand now ... so, there are some unnatural things for you that you find acceptable? That's good, it shows you are a flexible person that can live with differences. You've got your point of view, but probably won't mind others having and living different ones. So let's be happy for the gay people that can now have their citizenship rights preserved.
>Isn't it good when we all win?

hehe... fully deal..
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20