17/11/2006 09:02:33
17/11/2006 08:49:58
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> and what about the 'sapiens'? what about the capacity of decision..

Since I am proposing that human beings are natural creations and that their urges and instincts are natural then I would also propose that the ability to decide is also natural.

Under such a proposal the decision to follow and instinct (or to resist an urge) could be classified as natural also.

Unless you classify any conscious decision made by Homo Sapien as an unnatural act. In which case the decision to resist an urge would be unnatural.

A person may have an instinctive attraction to people of their own gender; the same person may resist this instinct and marry a member of the opposite gender, have a family etc. and repress their true inner feelings all their lives. Is that then natural or unnatural? If our 'Sapiens' is natural then the decision to follow or not follow any inner urgings is natural. If our 'Sapiens is what separates us from the natural world then the decision to follow or not follow our inner urgings is unnatural.

There are whole schools of psychology and philosophy that study these questions and as far as I am aware they do not have any definitive answers.

If our creation is a natural process then all that we are is also natural. Even the Society we live in that guides our beliefs and ethics.

I suppose the opposite of 'Natural' could be 'Manufactured'. The majority of people I know have not had their sexual orientation manufactured for them; some have, some choose to be straight or gay because they believe that is where Society wants to place them; but the majority have followed their inner feelings.
Ben Sugden

"Remember to enjoy hunting - and that means relishing the search for the product that has never been advertised or placed handily at the front of the shop; Life begins on the uppermost shelf, avoid guide books and top 10's like the plague." - Ramsey Dukes