17/11/2006 19:24:19
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>>How about two types of marriage licenses? We keep the traditional marriage license as is and create a “Gay Marriage License”. Then everyone can be happy! :)
>I really can't see the point. Why is this necessary? I'm always a little baffled by people who so strenuously object to other peoples lives, even to the point of needing to wrestle up nonsensical laws and rules, when those lives will have no effect on their own.
>So homosexuals get married. So what. How does this affect my life or that of anybody else who is not directly part of the partnership?
>I've heard it argued that it 'devalues' the institution of marriage, but in light of how short and unhappy so many hetero marriages seem to be these days, I'm stunned by the stupidity of that argument.

The whole "devalue" argument still mystifies me. The divorce rate among heterosexuals is currently somewhere around 50-60%. The only statistic I've seen for gay marriages (in Vermont) had the divorce rate around 2%. It's lower if you include countries other than the US.

Just who is devaluing what?

I like Roseanne Barr's take on gay marriage:

"Like, I can't believe what a huge flap the whole gay marriage thing made in the election and how it still makes like a huge stink everyplace. I mean, we've lost our minds and our common sense. If you think that gay sex is gross, then you should be for their right to marry 'cause that'll put an end to all that sex just like it does for the straight people. We've lost our minds. I don't even know why gay people are pushing for marriage. Haven't they suffered enough?"