21/11/2006 11:11:26
21/11/2006 11:08:36
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Visual FoxPro
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Honestly, no. I've only ever used it to launch non-automation supported apps from within VFP when I want to pause processing until the external app is closed. I wouldn't go this route for automation supported apps. Is he wanting to do that? I must have missed that part of the message...

>Have you ever tried this with office applications like word? Last time I tried to build something around this it was failing (one of the instances were returning immediately - word behaves like an MDI while Excel like an SDI) if I call it for a 2nd instance of word and I gave up.
>>Can you use createprocess instead? If so, you can wait for it to finish.
>>*---Example and running an external app and holding processing in VFP until finished
>>lcApp="NotePad.exe"         && app to run
>>lcCmdLine="myfile.txt"      && file to open in notepad
>>lcdir="c:\windows\"	    && not required for notepad
>>llokay = ExeWait(lcApp,lcCmdLine,lcdir)
>>IF !llokay
>>   =MESSAGEBOX('An error ocurred.')
>>   =MESSAGEBOX('Program is closed, returned to vfp')
>>PROCEDURE  ExeWait (lcApp, lcCmdLine, lcdir)
>>DO DECLexewait  && load required dlls for exewait function
>>PRIVATE lntimes
>>lntimes = 0
>>    llsetback = .T.
>>    llsetback = .F.
>>PRIVATE lnclosepass
>>lnclosepass = 0
>>LOCAL lcStartupInfo, lcProcInfo, hProcess, ;
>>    lnPrio, lnIBelieve1
>>lnIBelieve1 = 1   && Don't remember what that was
>>lnPrio = 32 && Priority of Process=Normal
>>lcStartupInfo = CHR(68) + REPLI(CHR(0), 67)
>>lcProcInfo = REPLI(CHR(0), 16)
>>IF CreateProcess(0, m.lcApp+" "+m.lcCmdLine+CHR(0), 0,0,;
>>        m.lnIBelieve1, m.lnPrio,;
>>        0, 0, @lcStartupInfo, @lcProcInfo) <> 0
>>    * process and thread handles returned in ProcInfo structure
>>    hProcess = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcProcInfo, 1,4))
>>    hThread = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lcProcInfo, 5,4))
>>    * waiting until the termination of the program
>>    DO WHILE .T.
>>       exitcode = 0                    && initialize return value to 0
>>       = GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, @exitcode)    && try to obtain process exit code
>>       IF exitcode # 259                && not still busy
>>           EXIT                            && fall out of loop
>>       ENDIF
>>       = Sleep (100)                    && wait .1 seconds
>>    ENDDO
>>    = CloseHandle(hThread)
>>    = CloseHandle(hProcess)
>>    IF llsetback
>>        _VFP.AUTOYIELD = .F.
>>    ENDIF
>>    RETURN .F.
>>IF llsetback
>>    _VFP.AUTOYIELD = .F.
>>DO RELexewait  && release dlls for exewait function
>>PROCEDURE DECLexewait  && load required dlls for exewait function
>>IF TYPE('ALEN(dllarray,1') <> "N" .or. ASCAN(dllarray,'CREATEPROCESS') = 0
>>	DECLARE INTEGER CreateProcess IN kernel32;
>>		INTEGER lpAppName, STRING lpCmdLine, INTEGER lpProcAttr,;
>>		INTEGER lpThrAttr, INTEGER bInhHandles, INTEGER dwCrFlags,;
>>		INTEGER lpEnvir, INTEGER lpCurDir, ;
>>		STRING @lpStInfo, STRING @lpProcInfo
>>IF TYPE('ALEN(dllarray,1') <> "N" .or. ASCAN(dllarray,'GETLASTERROR') = 0
>>	DECLARE INTEGER GetLastError IN kernel32
>>IF TYPE('ALEN(dllarray,1') <> "N" .or. ASCAN(dllarray,"CLOSEHANDLE") = 0
>>	DECLARE INTEGER CloseHandle IN kernel32 INTEGER hObject
>>IF TYPE('ALEN(dllarray,1') <> "N" .or. ASCAN(dllarray,"GETEXITCODEPROCESS") = 0
>>	DECLARE INTEGER GetExitCodeProcess IN WIN32API INTEGER hProcess, INTEGER @lpExitCode
>>IF TYPE('ALEN(dllarray,1') <> "N" .or. ASCAN(dllarray,"SLEEP") = 0
>>	DECLARE Sleep IN kernel32 INTEGER dwMilliseconds
>>PROCEDURE RELexewait  && release dlls for exewait function
>>CLEAR DLLS CreateProcess
>>CLEAR DLLS GetLastError
>>CLEAR DLLS CloseHandle
>>CLEAR DLLS GetExitCodeProcess
>>FUNCTION buf2dword(lcBuffer)
>>RETURN ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ;
>>	ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 2,1)) * 256 +;
>>	ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 3,1)) * 65536 +;
>>	ASC(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 4,1)) * 16777216
>>>Hi all
>>>I am running a RUN command to Export a File from a PDA for stocktaking. After i issue
>>>the RUN command, I then import the delimited into a table. However, I would like the import
>>>command to wait until the system has finish downloading the file from the handheld, otherwise the downloading is not complete when I am importing . Any ideas ?
>>>Brian O Donovan

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