22/11/2006 17:53:58
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>Hi Doug,
>Sorry about misspelling Karol's name. I had a feeling it was spelled that way but was too lazy to look it up in my electronic phonebook.

No sweat. It's spelled several ways and not just for the ladies as in Carol Shelby. (sp)

>I didn't want to bring it up but when talk turned to the FoxPro community Jonathan's death came to mind instantly. I had not been around very long at the time and didn't know you well, just as one of the voices of reason on the FoxForum. You posted a message titled "Jonathan My Son Is Gone" and the replies of sympathy, genuinely heartfelt, followed in what seemed like endless waves. Hundreds of messages. I initially posted on the FoxForum just to get the answer to a tech question. Blaise Mitsutama -- remember her? -- answered it. (Definitely dating myself remembering a time when Microsoft paid for its own support). For some reason I hung around because I sensed something beyond tech talk. Cat crap and Lisa's dirty mind, for instance <g>. But yeah, that was when I knew how real it was. I have dabbled in the C++ and VB worlds and they don't have anything like this.

Yeah, it is special indeed. Tom Rettig was, I suppose, instrumental as was the timing and the bootstrap nature of the times and the knuckleheadery of the various companies WRT to the way they treated the community, etc..

Yes, I remember Blaise. The cat crap is another issue altogether. *G*

>Don't start in with that "liberals" stuff with me, pal <g>. The incoming Democratic Congresscritters ((c) Doug Dodge) are notably centrist, not liberals. That's how they got elected. To me the message of the election was that the public is fed up with extremists on both sides and want a group that will actually get something done. And hurray for that.

Well, you do have a point. The Dems mostly ran as Conservatives and that's probably a big part of why they won but look at who Rep Pelosi has been pushing to the front. I suspect the next two years will be interesting. That and the Republicans being drunk at the bar of power and living up to the Stupid Party moniker. If you look closely you'll notice that a lot of the losing R's were RINOs (Republican In Name Only) like Sen. Chaffee. As far as I'm concerned good riddance.

>It's great to see you posting. Are you going to stick around? We have a bunch of younguns here who have probably never benefitted from the DD view of the world <g>.

*chuckle* Probably not too much although I am sure you are quite correct that they would benefit from my world view. *gd&rvvf*

>You know I'm just kidding. We never agreed about much, politically anyway, but were friends nonetheless. It's good to hear from you and know you're still a friend.

Yes indeed Mike. I even like guys like Leafe too! *g*

Seriously - I have always felt humbled by the generosity of the good folks in the community.



>Best (stealing another word from you),
>>>Doug! Holy moley! The dead walk the earth! <lol>
>>>I think I can guess who told you.
>>Probably, same person who helped me when we lost the boy so many years back. A true friend.
>>>Honestly, I feel so much better for getting it out in the open. You're right, this is a special community.
>>Yep, on both counts.
>>>A call would be great. I will email you my phone number, which has changed since the last time we talked. How about Monday? I will be fine until then. The girls will be here over the holiday weekend and I never drink when they are here.
>>Great. As I mentioned before I'd just like to hear your 'take' ion this. I typically finish my day around 1600 MST fwiw.
>>>Here's hoping all is well with you and Carol.
>>Thanks! Karol and I are doing well. We had a major financial issue a couple years back that we're about finished working our way through. She's at a new school and we still have the family issues. lol No free ride but LOTS of interesting things to watch and see as life moves on.
>>Still, I consider myself very blessed Mike. In spite of all the troubles (everyone goes through them at some point) I have to pinch myself some days. Look, even though I hardly show up here I am still so loved I get harrassed. LOL
>>>PS -- Did you catch any of those election results? [ducking]
>>Ugh.. (see above about being loved *G*) It should be fun to watch all those liberals pretend that they aren't liberal on one hand while on the other just ACHING to do their liberal thing, at the same time the press cover for them. So, guess we'll see.
>>>>Hi Mike,
>>>>I heard about your message and wanted to drop in and encourage you to continue this path of recovery.
>>>>Please feel free to call me, or better yet, email me your phone number and a good time to call and I'll call you (I essentially have free long distance) and do my best to shut up and listen. *g*
>>>>There is really something unique and special about this community.
>>>>Please let me help you in any way I am able.
>>>>801 593-0707
>>>>>I am really scaring the h**l out of myself. Not even trying to control the narrative any more, just hanging on. My name is Mike and I am an alcoholic. I am going to go into rehab.
>>>>>Yeah, sure, as my friend Marie said so many times. You like to say it but you can't do it. You won't get help. It's just your stupid secret. You drink because you want to drink, period.
>>>>>Push send, dummy.


A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.