23/11/2006 07:24:07
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>>>It was the rain, they couldn't stand it.
>>I don't know what the weather was like back then but we've just had our dryest October on record (trad. a time when the winds howl and rain dashes). We're still under a hosepipe ban and water restrictions, in the South, after the longest, dryest summer on record, our reservoirs and sub-terranean aquefers were at a record low.
>>Now then, I understand Vancouver is one of those "4 seasons in one day" type of places. From all TV clips I've seen it often seems to be windy, overcast or rainy, a lot like a similar conception of SF.
>Good morning, I mean afternoon. Vancouver is just the opposite at the moment. Half way through November we reached the average rainfall for the entire month and it just keeps on coming. It's rained so hard that the water is cloudy with particles and because of this we've had to boil our water. Not too much of a bother, but bathing a 2 year old in a sink is a slippery ordeal.
>Despite this, the last 5 years have been pretty dry in Vancouver. Nice summer, but the water restrictions start earlier each year.
>Vancouver normally is a moderate rainforest climate which means we have one season, the rainy season. Kidding aside the city itself may get snow one per year. Though the ski hills overlook the city and one can take a city bus right to them. Couple this with year round skiiing on the glacier at Whistler (1.5 hours away) and Vancouver gets the tag "you can ski and swim in the same day". A quote I expect to hear a lot as the networks send reporters for Olympic coverage.

Good afternoon indeed.

There you go then, Looks like Vancouvreans will be flocking to the "new World" to escape the rain. Here I'm looking out the window and even old women are abroad with just light jackest on. Recent evening temps have been c. 14 deg C. Everyone seems to think England is a wash-out. That's Scotland.

OTOH I'd simply love to visit Vancouver some day. It looks like a wonderful city, with a pleasant climate.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.