23/11/2006 10:10:25
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>>>>OTOH I'd simply love to visit Vancouver some day. It looks like a wonderful city, with a pleasant climate.
>>>Vancouver (and Victoria too, I'd say) is indeed a beautiful city with lots to offer.
>>>But my first trip there was by rail across Canada, and the Rockies just knocked my socks off - rugged and positively BEAUTIFUL with wildlife everywhere - making Vancouver ho-hum by comparison.
>>Oh, I've always wanted to do the trans-Rockies trip, on one of those big trains with the obs. waggon, dining car, sleeper compartment, spacious dining room, the whole 9 yds. One day I'll be able to afford it :-) (remember I've got to pay to get over there first too!)
>Well I did it the whole 9 yards way, but it was very cheap compared to today's prices. Plus the fact that I was an employee and so had a pass (self and wife) for the basic transport part. The roomette was extra but it included meals and snacks in the dining car, and it was a real dining car with food prepared right there for all meals (as opposed to microwaved stuff). I ate prime rib every evening, and tipping decently assured that I got nice helpings and best quality. Still ranks as the best trip I ever made, comfort/enjoyment wise.
>Couldn't get same arrangements for homeward trip, so wife and I flew back from Vancouver. Doing it standby, with family discount and student discount we paid $99.00 total for the one-way trip home.
>Pricng is a little different today all around < s >

Was that the old CN was it?, that went bust about 10+ years ago? They still have such trips but different train lines and prohibitively expensive as I understand it. As for your trip, I'd've though a 1-way would have sufficed anyway - don't wanna see the whole thing again backwards. If on holiday then it gives you time then to do other sightseeing.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.