28/11/2006 08:15:46
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I really enjoyed the book birdy. (Incidentally also Dad by William wharton was very good) but never saw the film. Both films from his early career I see. What went wrong.

>I wouldn't say that, Nick. I enjoy his screen presence. Did you ever see the film "Birdy", with Mathew Modine?
>A lovely heart-warming film, with Cage, before he was really known about, putting in a brillliant performance as Modine's (Birdy's) long-suffering life-long friend, who puts up with all the s**t that Birdy throws his way. I've liked Cage ever since this.
>BTW, I've just remembered another film whose title I can't recall. A US film about a kid who's forever staging fake suicides. A very funny film, but I haven't seen it rep4eated on the box for years. ANyone know this one?
>>That Nicolas Cage involvement is worrying. The man has no talent whatsoever. Apart from making turkeys.
>>>not to keep repeating this, as I've mentioned this here several times already, but if you like those "World-weary detective who hasn't lost his sense of honor, a femme fatale, a convoluted plot -- yup!", there's a series coming in January on the Sci-Fi channel. It's called the "Dressden Series". Based on a series of books by Jim Buther.
>>>The main protaganist is Harry Dressden. A Chicago P.I. who also happens to be a wizard. It involves all that your looking for, plus a healthy dose of sarcasm. Not to mention faries, vampires, demons, etc.
>>>>>This is one of my all time favorite movies. That, Casablanca, African Queen, Key Largo, On the Waterfront and Lawrence of Arabia, I can sit down and watch any time.
>>>>Funny you should mention that. I just received the new souped-up DVD edition of "The Maltese Falcon" in the mail a couple of weeks ago. Tried to talk my daughters into watching it this weekend but they weren't excited. I have gotten them to watch some "old" movies (anything before 1990 <g>), with occasional success, but it's always a sales job, especially if the movie is in black and white. It's about like asking them if they would like a rotary phone for Christmas.
>>>>We have similar tastes in the oldies. All those you mention are favorites, with "Key Largo" maybe a bit less so. "Sunset Boulevard" and "Double Indemnity" are two others that come to mind. I like just about anything Bogart, also the noir movies. Give me something B & W set in San Francisco or L.A. in the rain and I'm good to go. World-weary detective who hasn't lost his sense of honor, a femme fatale, a convoluted plot -- yup!