30/11/2006 21:18:04
Joel Hokanson
Services Integration Group
Bellaire, Texas, United States
General information
Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
Environment versions
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP1
Windows 2000 Server
MS SQL Server
Thread ID:
Message ID:
Howdy, Joel.

>How safe is a FoxPro system (desktop) that uses an SQL database at a remote site through ODBC over the Internet?

Not safe in the slightest, and this continues to remain true even if you're
using SSL and the like. There are so many security holes in browsers and
operating systems, it's too hard to keep track of them all.

>Can data be intercepted and easily read by unauthorized people?

You bet, although it's usually not done in transit (which is called
a "man in the middle attack."). The vast majority of the time, hackers
are looking for lackadaisical administration practices -- easy targets,
if you will -- and they're taking advantage of known, unpatched security

>I know the truth is that there I so much data going over the Internet that there is safety
>just in the fact that no one would bother to try to trap MY data.

No. Don't think that way. Hackers take advantage of _ANY_ situation. If they
can get root on admin-level privileges on your machine, they'll most definitely
do it. There are a lot of criminals out there that want to "own" machines, and
the more computers they have control of the better. Usually, they'll control
vast numbers of computers via IRC channels, directing them to spam people or
to do some other nefarious activity on the net. (This is usually a Denial of
Service attack on some person that called them a script kiddie or something.)

>However Clients always think that some criminal will spend thousands of dollars to
>find out who my Client sold their last case of toilet paper to. NOT Likely, but possible.

No, they're not. They're interested in:

* Full names
* credit card and social security numbers
* PayPal accounts
* passwords to other systems.
* Ebay accounts.

and identity-theft info, or any other forms of data that can make them money.

>How safe is SQL data?

Not safe at all. Hackers usually don't target or worry about SQL, unless they're
trying to pull off an "SQL Injection" attack on your system. OTOH, you can bet your
butt that they'll download your entire database and peruse your data if they ever
get access to your system. Usually, they port-scan broadband network ranges,
looking for unpatched, vulnerable systems. In other words, "they take advantage
of the weak and ignorant." Also, they have no qualms about doing this in any way,
shape, or form. Just think self-centered sociopath, and you'll be pretty close to
the mark.


Randall Jouett
Amateur/Ham Radio: AB5NI
I eat spaghetti code out of a bit bucket while sitting at a hash table! Someone
asked me if I needed salt, and I said, "I'm not into encryption." :^)