04/12/2006 21:22:25
04/12/2006 10:25:01
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>>Look, you order extra seat belts then place them on the deck in front of you. What are they for, restraint of crew or passengers? A good telling off by the captain won't count for much when, at 30,000 ft they play their hidden trump card, whatever that may be now, and they're inventing new ways all the time. Maybe they can't get at the cockpit, but to blow a hole in the fuselage will do a lot of damage.
>I reread few articles here and there about it, and now I am even more convinced that what happened there was completely wrong. Rights of these people were grossely abused.
>Tip of from Arab speaking passanger (??) and you kick out of plane six VIP muslim clerics (one of them blind). C'mon Terry where does this lead us ?
>This is simply huge blunder on part of AA practices. Period.

I asked this before, and I ask it again. If I board a plane, move to some other seat, and refuse to return to my assigned seat when told to do so by the crew, I would be ejected from the plane, and rightfully so. So; why not them? What quality makes them immune from following the same rules and with the same ramifications of refusing to follow them that the rest of us do not share?

>>>These poor students were not screaming Alah or anything like that,
>>>yet they were escorted off the plane. Only suspicious point about them
>>>was color of their skin and their charcteristic Arab/MidEastern look. So their right to fly (paid ticket) was groselly abused because some bunch of spinsters form Manchester got overexcited/scarred
>>Unfortunately it was people of their skin, religion, what have you, who perpetrated the attrocities of 9/11. It's understandable that people will get windy. I'm not looking up the story now but wasn't there something about their being overdressed for the weather, too?
>No, that happen with Brits comming back from Spain. Incident I am refering to happened in Cyprus while ago (published in Cyprus Weekly) again involving Brit holliday makers on a way to UK but from Paphos airport in Cyprus. Reason why article took only 1/8th of the page is the fact that Pakistani students were poor people without connections, unlike this US based hight profile Muslim clerics.
>>>Once you let massive parannoya grossly abuse rights of particular group of people you well on the road to 50ies not to say 30ies.
>>>This global maddness invlicted on the rest of the world by US/UK simply has to stop. Things simply have to calm down.
>>I BEG your pardon! "global maddness invlicted ... by US/UK"? SO the Brits/US did the first attack on the WTC, 9/11, Barli bombings, The American Embassy, et al?
>That is correct. It is global maddness/paranoya inflicted to the rest of the world by US/UK.
>9/11 was one extreem tragic event wich should hv been dealt with much more dignity and self respect. Whole world was with and felt for US that day. Both my wife and I cried together that day, watching people falling down the tower. Whole world was united that day. That alone could hv been most serious blow to terorrisam world wide. World united against it.
>Instead it was politicaly exployted (locally/globaly) to such extent that it become ongoing global problem/situation/threat. They barely managed to
>burry/mourn all wictims - new war and more deaths were already on their way.
>It secured defence budgets to two wars (Afganistan/Iraq) , ellection bust to republicans and green light to menu other decisions/activities which would be otherwise impossible/unimagineable in situation where world was groing more stable and secure with the end of cold war.
>9/11 happened 5 years ago, some mentally ill / evil spirited people did
>what they did.
>But no one really knows or have hard evidence twds who did it. (Do not come up with story about tapes pls)
>Consecutively Afganistan and Iraq were attacked by coallition forces based on above events having a 'strong feeling and a hunch' rather then hard evidence.
>Unless you believe/can swalow WMD story as hard evidence.
>How talking out your arse can you be? Who started all this madness, and who could stop it
>What your think-tank bodyparts tells you ?