05/12/2006 10:29:28
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>>That exactly is OUR problem. This day, age and climate.
>>We as in West created it.

>>>SO you think the US, after 9/11, should have just said "Those Al Qaeda, eh? What are they like?!" And that would have been the end of it?
>So you didn't answer this.

>What are you talking about? WE didn't crash 3 planes into US buildings, and an attempted 4th.

Ok who did it?
I know is them.
Can u pls point to any HARD evidence pointing to THEM ?

>OK, the wars have perpetuated the problem, but WE didn't start it. And the increase in airport security, and "paranoia" (healthy if you ask me, in this case) of passengers was not created by wars in the ME, but stems directly from 9/11. If the wars had not happened we would STILL have been as vigilant.

We will hv to agree to disagree.

Without what happened afterwards, 2 bloody wars and globaly pursued parranoya, political preasure, and media manipulation, 9/11 wld hv been
exacly what it was. One historic, landmark size tragedy.

That event could hv and should hv triggered series of West/East top level summits, aimed at promoting peace and reconciliation.
United Nations could facilitate and host series of political meetings, good will & peace seeking initiatives and activities.
They could hv invited ALL top muslim political and religious leaders
to visit 9/11 site and give public statements in English and consecutively in Arrabic to entire world. I highly doubt that any of top profile Muslim leaders wld refuse to come and/or contribute in this respect.

Pope should hv been invited there to pray together with all other religious leaders. All religions. In front of eyes of entire world. That could hv became annual event.

And so for. What ever peacefull & goodwill spirited mindset can come up with.

Provided of course that peace and reconciliation was part of anybody's agenda. But I am afraid that as towers were falling down, guns were already loaded and targets already set.

Revenge, revenge, revenge.

So this will be my last message in this thread.
I am tired.
[Mind you, I hv to run home and built huge concrete bunker :) ]
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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