05/12/2006 17:05:20
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
05/12/2006 09:45:25
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>Hi Metin,
>You may find this interesting. I know I did:
>The article is certainly written to support a predefined premise but in my opinion, he did a great job of supporting it.
>An interesting article by Ahmed Amr:
>And last, but not least:

The conclusions are truly shocking. I knew bits of this, and remember the bits which managed to ooze through the media barrier under which we were then (actually, a double barrier - one imposed by Miloshevich, one by the West), but now things make much more sense, and actually fit the pattern we saw later in Račak.

It doesn't matter, though. As Pavić said, "the truth is just a trick". No matter how strong the facts, the propagandistic numbers will always be repeated. I heard the 8000 several times today.

A quote, if I may:
Corwin adds that UNPROFOR's intervention did indeed significantly reduce Yugoslav emigration. In his opinion, also, "Ironically, one of the main dangers in the region at this point does not stem from ethnic nationalisms, but from NATO's need to establish a post-Cold War identity and to make itself a credible deterrent to any alteration in the new world order."19

Another view comes from the London Independent`s correspondent Robert Fisk: "Although never formally acknowledged, reports from European Community [ECMM] monitors in Krajina were altered, truncated and sometimes censored out of existence during Germany's presidency of the European Union. When the ECMM recorded unfavourable to the Croats or favourable to the Serbs, these paragraphs were simply deleted by the Germans. Germany, of course, was Croatia's ally, the first to recognize Croatia's independence in 1991, just as it had been, under somewhat different leadership, in 1941."20

back to same old

the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
What, me reckless? I'm full of recks!
Balkans, eh? Count them.