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>>Hey Terry,
>>I've been thru some not so nice stuff besides in between production releases...partially torn meniscus, fully torn ACL and went for surgery ( ACL reconstruction). Im doing phys therapy now and probably quit playing soccer for good.
>I've problems with my right ACL such that I can't go out running anymore without it giving me jipp.
>It makes my knee feel twisted just to read of it. Here's hopes for a good recovery.
>>About raki,I was referring to what Metin said, did not really mean it a as a suggestion... Unfortunately, some people I
>know, dont want to make this forward step that Mike did. I feel for them and I m happy for Mike.
>I know you were talking to Metin about the hooch, but replying to Mike. I thought last thing he needs is your discussing a drink he's probably never had whilst congratulating him on (possibly - who knows?) getting on the waggon.

Re "(possibly - who knows?)" -- do you really have to be so negative and smarta** all the time? This isn't easy, you know. My body still craves alcohol and is rebelling by disrupting my sleep, among other things. Tonight I went to bed early -- tired, bored, and saying no to the demanding little voice inside. Now the little voice has its revenge. It's 2 a.m. and I am wide awake, as though I didn't have to get up and ready for work at 6. Enough about that -- the last thing the world needs is another blog or memoir about "this is how I felt when I cooked my oatmeal this morning" -- but please, keep your undermining comments to yourself. Thanks.

Mike (sober 14 days)

PS -- Here is something those without the problem may not know. Discussion of alcohol and presence among people imbibing are not triggers, at least not for me. More like the opposite. I seldom if ever drink in social settings and don't feel awkward in the least, especially now that fewer people drink. Those are the times I feel strong. I'm the secret drinker type. Which probably makes it harder to combat. Which in turn is why I'm glad I said what I did here on the UT. The response really has made a difference.

I'm not going to take any bows just yet. (Thinking of a cruder line said by Winston Wolf near the end of "Pulp Fiction" <g>). But the FoxPro community has given me a lot of strength. Thanks, everyone.