06/12/2006 08:53:36
06/12/2006 06:58:01
Metin Emre
Ozcom Bilgisayar Ltd.
Istanbul, Turkey
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>>- The dutch were there under UN mandate to keep peace, not to fight.
>>- The dutch were not equiped to withold the serbians
>Hi Walter,
>Why dutch soldiers said bosnians "Your lives under our guarantee in this chamber with agrement of left your guns" ?

Metin, the problem with this line of argument is that one chooses which statements to believe and which to treat as false. This is what Walter is suggesting - at that moment in time and under those circumstances certain decisions were made, statements made, promises made, deals struck, etc, and we are not privy to all that information and context specific detail now.

Another way to approach this discussion is to ask whether you believe that the Dutch, and specifically the Dutch soldiers, are racists who wanted harm to befall the Bosnians. If you believe that the Dutch are like this then indeed there will be no evidence that will prove otherwise to you. It would be a preconcieved idea, a prejudice. On the other hand if you believe that the Dutch soldiers are not racists by and large and that they did not wish harm on the Bosnians then you can only question whether they effectively and correctly carried out their orders (and indeed whether they were even capable to carry out those orders iro training and armaments). This second line of reasoning cannot call into question the integrity of the soldiers themselves but rather their commanders and ultimately the UN. In this line of argument the soldiers should not be discussed, only their commanders and the UN people in charge.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.