08/12/2006 10:38:47
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The United States of America is the only sovereign nation in the world with the word America in its official name. Actually, the founders of this country started that and I guess they were optimists or simply imperialists and hoped to one day expand over the entire continent? :o) (That statement probably is true!)

The preposition of is equivalent to the of in Federative Republic of Brazil, Commonwealth of Australia, or Federal Republic of Germany.

I like this opinion on it:

Canada isn’t called The United Provinces of America. It is called Canada and they refer to themselves as Canadian. As far as I know, no Canadian would ever call themselves American.

Mexico’s official name is Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (The United Mexican States). They do not call themselves the Mexican States of America

These countries in South America are “South Americans” but you do not see them running around calling themselves that, do you?

Are we not also disenfranchising the people from Mozambique, Lesotho, and Botswana when we call South Africans, well, South Africans, simply because those countries are also in a region called South Africa? No. They are called that because they are from a country called South Africa! The USA is The United States of America. It is shortened to America because it is simpler to use. No one walks around saying, “I am from The Federative Republic of Brazil” or “I am from The United Mexican States.” They always state, “I am from Brazil” or “I am from Mexico.”


>Yes we all know that but, as I said, a Canadian is also an American. Tell me why the country isn't just called America (I know it is popularly, just as someone from the DR of Congo calls himself congolese, or from the Czech Republic calls himself Czech). In a way you have a nerve to call yourselves as if the continent(s) is/are yours, and you don't even cover the majority of it.
>Anyway, this wasn't couched as a quiz for you - I just wondered if during your edumication one of your teachers, as part of the curriculum will say "Now, children, who can tell me what our REAL nationality is ...". I didn't make up the question
>>Geographically correct or not, whether it can be used by nationals of any other country on this continent or not, American is still correct.
>>In all other countries, citizens of the U.S. are referred to as 'Americans.' In fact, people on the street will ask you if you are German, American, English, etc. It is the common term used worldwide. Also, it is used in most references as well:

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
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