11/12/2006 07:00:46
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>That was my point, you just expressed it more nicely. We all came here from somewhere else and we are all Americans now. We screw up regularly but I'm proud to be an American and I sure don't want to listen to potshots from distant shores. Especially those from countries whose butts we have saved.

Erm, is this YET ANOTHER pop at me, and the UK. I'll ask you again, what's your problem? And where have I taken a potshot at the US? I think you suffer from some form of selective dyslexia. As soon as the US is mentioned (in this case purely a question about the nationality) you come back all defensive and thus on the attack. Tell me what the problem is.

And if it comes to saving butts, do you mean Britain, France, Belgium, Norway, Holland, the Far East countries, or any of the other countries that were adversely affected by the War? Stikes me that the US helped (to a very great degree), along with Canada and Britain, to save the rest of the world. Believe it or not, the likes of Norway and Holland were very greatful to the UK for saving their butts - hence the giant Xmas tree delivered to London every year from Norway as a symbol of this.

Oh, and BTW, I'm not sure the US intervention was 100% altruistic anyway; after all, it wasn't till Japan attacked you (with the intention of invading in the end) that the US got involved, other than lend-leasing WWI battleships to the UK, AND in return for certain strategic British islands, and a way into the Empire for trade. Remember that this was a WORLD war, not just in Europe.

Of all the countries involved in that war, Britain came out with nothing but a huge debt, and a ravaged country and her freedom. The US made profit (OK a lot of US boys lost their lives - but so did they in all armies), Germany and Japan got rebuilt

Man, with that sized chip on your shoulder you must walk with a list!

- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.