12/12/2006 10:42:19
12/12/2006 09:02:13
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>>>>>>>>>Sorry, missed this one:
>>>>>>>>>>Different meanings dep. on their type of occupation.
>>>>>>>>>Ok, suppose they're occupied by foreign armed forces :).
>>>>>>>You mean Garrison Keeler is a squatter? I saw him once, he's standing. The audience wouldn't see him otherwise.
>>>>>>Hardly. I've never heard of him. And no, I'm not suggesting anyone is a Turkish-style French toilet.
>>>>>That's unfortunate. You should try to pick up the 'Prairie Home Companion' radio show on the web. And it's 'Keillor'. The whole show is excellent, but his monologue toward the end of every show (news from Lake Wobegon) is absolutely wonderful. For each monologue, he writes down a brief outline for himself, but then he pretty much ad-libs the whole thing based on that outline.
>>>>>Archives are here.
>>>>Thanks for the ref, Alan. I'll see if I have time to download some material. I don't get a lot of time to even watch TV nowadays, however, let alone looking up and listening to American TV shows on the Web. I wonder if the humour would pass over me, as so many American "host" shows do, e.g. Letterman et al.
>>>It's a radio show, not TV. As far as the humour is concerned, I doubt you'll have any trouble with it. And it is a funny show. I think you'd like the music too. I ranges from blues to dixieland to skiffle. He often has groups on from Ireland and Scotland.
>>Sorry, I meant radio show. Anyway, I've just had to download RealPlayer to listen to the show, and listened to part of the last segment of the last show (isn't that supposed to be where the monologue is?), and all I could get was him with some Irish woman, singing together, after Howard Johnson playing the tin whistle (I didn't know motel proprieters did that!), then a Toyota advert. Maybe I'll have more time over Xmas, and not at work. :-)
>His monologue is toward the end. Looking at the latest show in the archive, for example, it starts at about 1 hour and 15 minutes into the show and runs for just under 15 minutes. It's a 2 hour show.

Acknowledged. Thanks
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.