11/12/2006 23:36:30
General information
The Mere Mortals .NET Framework
Environment versions
VB 8.0
Windows XP SP2
MS SQL Server
Thread ID:
Message ID:
>Going through the JUMPSTART: Web Forms Application.
>On Step 1, when I select "MM.NET WebForms template" on the New Web Site dialog in VS2005 the Name Text Box for both Visual Basic and C# are grayed out. Only J# accepts input.
>Figured out to select ASP.NET template and give the Web Site a Name, and after that to re-select the "MM.NET WebForms template",in this case the Text Box keeps the input when I entered text when switching to ASP.NET template, but after switching back to MM.NET... it gets grayed out. Still am able to follow the instructions in the provided jumpstart.
>But only until the beginning of Step #7:
>After Selecting "View Code" on the CustomerOrders.aspx page, the error list window gets filled out with errors saying that could not load seomthing which was in web.config line 29, etc., etc. Can not provide the exact text (my OS/VS2005 are in Japanese).
>Have tried re-creating the website 2 or 3 times, but still the same, can not go further step 6, and the site would never successfully build.
>Are these issues related to that I am only evaluating your software?

>When i registered MM.NET Web Controls, I noticed a wierd behaviour of VS2005,
>I would be able to select all ...Main.Web.UI... controls and press enter, but for VS it would take for ever without showing the just registered controls on the panel. I waited for amore then 15-20 minutes, ut still the controls would never show up in the toolbox, so Ihad to restart VS2005.
>Now that I am making this post, I have uninstalled and again installed MM.NET and started creating the Web site, but at current stage the above "Name" text box still remains grayed out, so I decided to post.
>Tried to create the site, the same result and here is the error message:
>File or Assembly 'Mere Mortals Framework 2005, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=511bd18e16c7f771' or its dependancies could not be loaded.
>The file defined in "C:\MM .NET Jump Start\Order System Web VB\web.config line 29" does not exist .

You really shouldn't be experiencing any of these errors--based on the erratic behavior, I'm wondering if you have a bad install of Visual Studio 2005. If your web.config file is referencing version, try changing the version number to to see if that helps.

Best Regards,
Kevin McNeish
Eight-Time .NET MVP
VFP and iOS Author, Speaker & Trainer
Oak Leaf Enterprises, Inc.
Chief Architect, MM Framework