13/12/2006 03:28:06
12/12/2006 12:04:56
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Hi Greg :)
>I said once, and still believe it is a better solution then how we (US) is handling the current problems. Stop trying to change them and start trying to understand them. Work with them, not against them. We are really not the different.

There are big differences in cultures, perception , religion etc. There are all kinds of peoples and countries on this world. You can't really work/cooperate with some butcher in Africa, but you CAN accept certain countries for what/how they are.
You cannot make Syria or Iran or some other middle east country into Belgium or Svedden no matter what you do. If you give them all money on this world for it, or if you flatten them by bombs. This is simply impossible.
It is simply not who they are, or what THEY want.

I believe that there are/were government analysts who knew this very well,
but they'v been probably ignored in a pursuit of certain politics and interests.

We both want peace. We both want to see our children grow up without witnessing war.

You, me, Ahmed from Jordan - and millions of other ordinary fellows yes. That is our ultimate interest. But as you said below.

>But guess that not what the warmoggles want. There not profit in peace. So onward we go into the future of more killing and mayham.

World, societies and politics are evolving. What was ok in medieval times
(Crusades, inquisition etc) was not ok in 18th century, what was considered ok back in 50ies (racial segreggation etc) was abandoned in 70ies, cold war in 90ies etc. So I just hope that what is *ok* today, will eventually become another ridiculous thing of our past.

>>>Let me ask you this. If the western powers got together and confronted all the murders and thugs and thieves around the world, do you believe we would still have the killing in Darfur and Rowanda? And would Jung-Il Kim and Amadinejad be as bold as they are now?
>>>If the western power get together and show some real bite to their threats and resolutions, there probably won't be any need for war. It's only when we become PAPER TIGER things get out of hand and drastic actions is needed.
>>What happen if 'murders and thugs and thieves' somehow overtake power in
>>US and/or some other western countries ?
>>That 'papper tiger' wld then turn into killer beast and eat up all of us together!
>>There is NO EXCUSE for one country or group of countries attacking another
>>under no circumstances. This is just as wrong as when group of angry people attack and kill an arsonist or rapist without taking him to court.
>>They are just as guilty (from then and on) as that rapist.
>>World needs means of controling (and overturning if you want) rogue
>>regimes/dictatorships and prevent cases like Rwanda , but that power has to be in a hands of neutral international body, rather then few 'buddy countries' taking world justice in their own hands.
>>UN as world's nest for all global bodies, was/is an ideal candidate to be UPGRADED into sort of 'mother state' for all world countries, and ensuring that global issues can be dealed with efficiently. It needs real parliament, it needs real courts and of course low enforcement powers.
>>At the moment UN has it's problems, but which organisation does not?
>>But UN or World parlament is important as an IDEA and PROCESS twds achieving global peace and prosperity. Just like EU is mother state to all independent European countries, UN and World Parliament could be mother state to all world countries. Maybe not as such, but defenetely adopting some of EU
>>principles & practices.
>>set DayDreaming off
>>But that Idea lost it's momentum after 9/11, or that momentum was
>>hijacked away by 'Bush&Son & Asscociates - WorldJustice Enterprises Ltd' and it's current 'share holders'.
>>World boat has been badly shaken and currently we don't know where we are going, but perhaps one day in some calmer waters, our little planet will rediscover need for it - and restart this process all over again.
>>Unless of course some fool blows the hole in the bottom along that way
>>and sink us all.
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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