14/12/2006 19:31:13
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>>>>What else would you expect, we're the foxteam!
>>>Whoops, I didn't mean it surprised me. I have been around the UT and the FoxForum before that for close to 15 years and know there is a real community and real friendships. What I meant was my announcement was about a very personal thing I had tried to keep secret for a long time. So I was a little scared what the reaction might be. I am sure some who have not said anything (and some who have) think less of me now. Well, tough muffins, Mike. I would rather be sober and labelled than drunk and "getting away with it." Alcoholism carries with it a lot more bad juju than just people thinking less of you. Health issues, relationship issues, job issues. Crime issues, as you know, though fortunately that has never happened to me. You don't see a lot of old alcoholics, do you? There's a reason for that -- they don't live long enough. One of the things that got me out of denial was doing some rough guesses and realizing I might not be around to see my daughters marry or have
>>>children. (Hopefully in that order!)
>>My older brother died because he wore his liver out with alcohol and also took a lot of drugs. What a waste of talent. He was a world class blues musician who played with all the big names including SRV, BB King, etc. I'm glad you have decided to seek help. I wish he had done so early enough to let him live past the young age of 42.
>>As for what others think, who cares. You've got a responsibility to God, yourself and your family. The others don't matter.
>I belong to the silent majority that didn't say anything, but, I’m convinced, don't think less of Mike since the announcement, on the contrary.
>Obviously, Mike cares about what others think. I think it’s very difficult, and a bit arrogant, to not care about what others think. If you meant he shouldn’t care about the ones that think less of him, I’m not so sure he should do that either.

I, too, am part of the silent majority. I am (albeit silently) rooting for you. Anybody who thinks less of you for admitting to a serious problem and taking steps to resolve it has serious problems of his own.