15/12/2006 10:20:33
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Visual FoxPro
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows 2000 Server
Visual FoxPro
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>>>I'm doing no saving until I get a decent percentage above inflation, plus $5 a month just for the pleasure of it. Like I heard the other day: "Jesus saves - Krishna invests!"
>>A decent percentage will help you keep your shirt longer, investing may help to buy a new one, or lose the one you have. To really make money you must not use your own money, for example, you should open a bank.
>Ah, the uncanny art of making money out of nothing...
>>>Add is implicit.
>>But it isn't, since you must select a specific control and/or enter a specific value. To add without a 'New' requires more work from the user and is less defined.
>That control is the first textbox, where the user would have to enter something anyway, even if there was a New button. If that control is bound to document number, leaving it empty is all it takes - so user has to perform no extra action. Actually, less than with a New button.

Are you trying to obnubilate (nice word, eh?) the issue?
To leave it empty you DO SOMETHING - TAB, arrow, click,... so, actually you'll never do less than pressing New (or its shotcut key). New will do the "leave it empty" for you, plus, you don't have to have to know the "leave it empty" secret, plus you shouldn't have access to that control at all since you must leave it empty to do what you want,etc. There are other issues, but I don't want to muddy the waters even more.
I know that in spite of all books, guidelines, etc. we'll never have 100% consensus in the UI design, and that's the way it should be.

>>>... Or should be, IMO, on data entry forms, regardless of their mass.
>>If editing is implicit, I can't see how you can have add implicit too.
>After every save, the form sits on a blank record.

What if you didn't save anything? Let's say you did a look-up and you didn't make any changes. Now you want to add a new record - what do you do?

>>>On any control's .lostfocus - just like VFE does.
>>I see, what do you check against, oldval()? What about controls not bound to data?
>No, there's a .savedvalue=.value in .gotfocus(). Same for unbound controls. If you don't want a control to change the form.changed status, there's a textbox.lTrackChange (also for any other control) which you can set to .f.
>>>>I know how much you like being saved without asking ;)
>>>I really don't like banks.
>>Neither do I. I believe of the (your?) founding fathers said that they are more dangerous than a standing army.
>That army has already won :).

But isn't it funny that they won't say "Mission Accomplished"?

>I don't remember being founded, and I think I can't have more than one father, unless we rewrite a lot of biology :).

"your?" as "Americans" or "American republic" - I'm (almost) sure you understood.