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>You may be making the same mistake that I keep seeing people make with multiple detail bands. If all you have is one parent record ... and then another table with child records ... you do NOT have a situation for multiple detail bands. What you should be doing is driving the report with the child table and have a relation to the parent table. Create a data group on the field that matches up with the parent. Put all the parent information in the data group header band. Put all the child information in the detail band. No need for a second detail band.

You see, right now, as you suggested, the report can be created without multiple detail bands. But I need to enhance the report and to add another table. Therefore, I will truly have a case for multiple-detail band. Here is what I have and will have:
1.Main table (Work Order) of one record (actually table has many records, but I need to report on one record only, that's why I use NEXT 1 in the Report form command.
2.Child table: parts. Related to the Work Order table.
3.Child table: tasks. Related to the Work Order table.
Right now, in my initial testing, I only have 1. and 2. But it does not work. I suspect that the cause is NEXT 1. I will test an approach without NEXT 1.

Thank you for your input.
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