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>>>>>>>>3 years later, and New Orleans is still a mess.
>>>>>>>See if the chinese construction is standing in 3 years. See if the occupants are still alive in 3 years (a new outlet for lead paint and other poisonous products).
>>>>>>Sure, their construction methods are less stable than the US. But hey, at least they ARE doing something.
>>>>>I'd bet the people in the Quake area are doing something too other than whining, looting, and waiting for money from the government (yeah - not everyone in NO did that, but a LOT did and still do).
>>>>The issue isn't what the people are doing, it's what the government is doing. In NO, the government did nothing. Heck, they're still doing nothing. 3 years later and people are still homeless.
>>>>Remember, the government is for the people, not the other way around.
>>>You hit the point. One side thinks that people should do something for themselves, while another side (yours) that government should relieve them from this burden and do everything for them.
>>I never said the government should do eveything for them.
>>Many people did get out of NO - those that had cars or could afford a plane ticket. The remainder were those who could barely afford the eat, let alone leave. Those are the ones who were stranded in the stadium while their homes were floating away.
>>But you have to admit, the government did very very little to help the people down there. But had they not paid their taxes on time the government would have assesed large fees or garnished their wages or taken their homes.
>>The government exists for the people, not to get rich off the people and then do nothing when tradgedy strikes.
>Obviously the federal government is to blame. The local government (ie Mr. mayor and company) who took up refuge in suites in the tallest hotels and waited for the 'government' to do something don't count in this. The hundreds of school buses that sat and eventually got flooded that could have rescued 10s of thousands of people in a day were the 'government's' responsibility, not the local 'government's' responsibility right? Next time something bad happens, let's all act like a cross between uncaged zoo animals and thieves like NO residents did. Take pot shots a the police when they are trying to help (blame the gun makers of course). Steal TVs. Rape anyone in site.
>How come this doesn't happen during massive Midwest flooding?

I didn't make any ditinction between what level of government is at fault. I agree that the local's could have done more. And I agree that bad times seem to draw out the bad apples.

But still, there is culpability here that is inexcusable.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind
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