30/05/2008 10:29:05
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You continue to not grasp "the charisma thing." Charismatic people attract others, people who are then motivated to get things done. Doesn't it make sense that people will do more for someone they find inspiring than for someone who is dull or overcautious? That's rational, not shallow.

>I read some of the comments and interpeted them as idiotic at best. I didn't realize this thread would become a discussion of the idiotic responses on that site... I only wanted to show the video to make his statements know so everyone could judge for themselves. Many would agree 100% with his plans, others with a few of them, and some with none. They are not in the news (for obvious reasons) but I think his statements in his speeches are as important to take into consideration as his policies outlined. I would rather someone vote for him because they agree with his goals and policies than because they saw him as charasmatic. If someone were to put forward any of those opinions here, then I think they would be discussed.
>>>Here is a list (from his words):
>>>1. Cut investment in unproven missile defense systems
>>>2. Will not weaponize space
>>>3. Slow our development of future combat systems
>>>4. Goal of a world without nuclear weapons
>>>   4a.  Not develop new nuclear weapons
>>>   4b.  Seek a global ban on the production of fissile material
>>>   4c.  Take icbms off trigger alert.
>>>   4d.  Achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal.
>>>I have my own opinion of each of the items listed above, but my goal in posting this information was not to agree or disagree personally, but to make the information available.
>>I understand that. But did you read any of the responses below the video? They all took from his speech nothing more than that Obama intends to disarm the U.S. Can you figure out where,in the points you show above, that he said that?
>>>>>I guess the subject should be national defense, not military:
>>>>It's a bit misleading for them to call it 'Obama-plans-to-disarm-America' considering that it's not what he said. Not wasting billions of dollars on starwars technology that is not only unproven, but has been shown to be fairly useless; not spending billions more on creating more nuclear weapons when he already has enough to destroy the entire world more times than necessary, is not the same as disarming America, but of course, that's what people will take from his speech.