04/06/2008 18:24:41
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You look under the rock on all the choices and it’s not pretty. Not just this time around, but throughout history. This is what our system produces, the system needs changed.

The government is continuously lying to all of us en masse .

My choice would be Ron Paul, but that's not going to happen.

I'm not saying these things are not issues, just more of the same...


>What do you consider trivial? Sitting on a board with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (and being in his home and calling him his friend publicly), the man who states that he doesn’t regret detonating bombs in the Pentagon and a police station but denies he is a terrorist and gets away with it? Belonging to a church with separatist and racist views for 20 years but claiming to never heard or share those views? A relationship where he promoted and supported Louis Farrakhan, an obvious anti-semitic and then denouncing his words during the election? Writing books clearly anti-white but promoting unity in an election?
>He has contradicted himself numerous times in his speeches. I've heard them myself. Take the speaking directly with Iran - he backtracked on that completely. What about 2003 when he was talking to the AFL/CIO and stated "I happen to be a proponent of single-payer universal healthcare coverage. That’s what I’d like to see." and then later during the election he in January 08 he claimed in a debate "I never said that we should try to go ahead and get single-payer." You've seen (if you read my previous threads where I provided links) his national security plans and then last night he back-tracked on that completely stating he planned to build back up our military... what was that???????
>This article is interesting:
>What concerns me most is his lack of substantial voting so there is no record of his position on issues, his prior relationships that ardently promoted until they became politically damaging, his very anti-white statements in his book (yes I read one of them), his distortion of facts (or does he suffer from alzheimers?) and his lack of firm policy disclosure during the election.
>I hope I am wrong, but I seriously suspect (note I stated suspect, not know and I will not prove anything more on that myself other than to point to his books - you all can read as well as I and make your own judgment call) that he and his wife are racist and anti-semitic. At a minimum, he surrounds himself by and supported extremists over the years and those same individuals may have his ear if he is president. We've had racist presidents before but he is supposedly promoting a unified country and the last thing we need is to step back in time 48 years. That should be concerning to all of us, let alone Israel - who I feel should be the most concerned.
>Another thing that concerns me is during the convention in 2004 didn't he state his father was a non-practicing Christian? I've read a lot of articles that claim otherwise. Also he and his wife attended an Arab fundraiser where the keynote speaker was the PLO advisor Edward Said. It was also attended by Palestinian activist and Islamist Ali Abunimah and there are pictures are on Abunimah's site of Obama sitting at the table with Said chatting.
>I don't pretend to claim that Hillary is more honest (that's a good one) or will make a better president. I still feel that there are no good options in this election. Once again we are voting for the lesser of the possible evils.
>On another note, there has been a lot of discussion about Hillary conceding and her pulling the party apart by not doing so. Has every one forgotten that Ted Kennedy did not concede to Carter until the actual convention? that race was no where near this close.
>>And Bush was truthful, how about billary?
>>They all lie, I prefer they lie about trivial stuff, not WMD's
>>>This is flying around again (not surprising). Just wanted to post the snopes on it:
>>>I did find this article on 'Barry'
'If the people lead, the leaders will follow'
'War does not determine who is RIGHT, just who is LEFT'