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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm trying to be generous to the Pens..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My guess is they will be more generous to themselves. Chris Osgood is due to turn back into a pumpkin and start letting in goals from the blue line again. Look for a parade in Pittsburgh in a couple of weeks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think that one will be the runner-up 'tough luck Sydney' parade...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Let's make it interesting. How about a Chicago Wolves shirt and a shirt from your minor league hockey team as the stakes? (I pay up my lost sports bets -- just ask John Harvey!)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Make sure we're clear on the bet - Wings get the cup - I win, Pens get the cup - you win.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shirt being T-shirt? I can handle that - a genuine Topeka Roadrunners T-shirt in your size if you win.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If that works, you're on!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You're on. (virtual shake)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'll enjoy the new shirt ;)
>>>>>>>>>>>>You mean the Roadrunners shirt as you fold it and put it in a package to mail to me? LOL
>>>>>>>>>>>My address in my profile is correct if you want to go ahead and avoid any postage increases.. :)
>>>>>>>>>>2 down, 2 to go..
>>>>>>>>>>XL or XXL - either works fine.. :)
>>>>>>>>>Definitely a good start for the Red Wings. OTOH they only did what you're supposed to, which is win at home. Nothing really happens in a series until someone wins a game on the road or it goes the distance.
>>>>>>>>Nothing good really happens for a team in the finals until they score a goal!
>>>>>>>Good point. It's hard for me to believe Chris "Sieve" Osgood is going to keep that up. Sounds to me like the Wings defense has been terrific if they've only given up 38 shot attempts.
>>>>>>He's hanging in there (and standing on his head to do it).
>>>>>>I don't mind if you wait till after Mondays game to ship it... :)
>>>>>Good to hear from you again, Bill ;-) I missed hearing from you after game 3!
>>>>>Yup, looking good for the Wings at this point. But you never know.
>>>>>Just puttin' on the foil, coach....
>>>>Ahem... I guess you can hang onto the shirt for a couple more days..
>>>>Hopefully the wings will dispatch Hudler to the great beyond before the next game.
>>>My daughters were watching TV last night so I set the recorder and played it early this morning. Obviously it didn't go all the way to the end, even with an extra hour of recording time. I had seen a score of 2-1 Penguins after 2 periods online last night so skipped ahead to the third period. Wow, that was exciting hockey! The Red Wings had unbelievable continuous pressure. The Penguins were lucky to survive into overtime.
>>>Game 6 back in Pittsburgh tomorrow night. The Wings still have the advantage but these are two pretty good teams, exciting to watch. I don't have anything at all against the Wings other than that I bet on the other team ;-)
>>'scuse me - just stopped in to gloat..
>Gloat away, no problem. Another exciting finish -- the puck literally rolling in front of the goal, inches away, to tie it up as time expires. Missed it by that much, as Maxwell Smart would say. I kept the TV on to watch the handshake line and the skating around with the cup, which are two of my favorite traditions in sports. They whale on each other for two weeks straight and then shake hands and compliment each other like gentlemen. Cool.
>My daughter passed through the room near the end and asked if all hockey players have beards <g>.
>Please email me any instructions beyond the address link and size you posted earlier. I will get a shirt on its way shortly.

I didn't get home to watch until about 10 minutes into the 3rd period. I was really suprised to see the Wings ahead 3-1. I really expected the Pens to win that game after the showing in Detroit.

I was hanging on to my seat the last few seconds. I could just see game 7 happening.

Wasn't the guy who got the last penalty the same one who got the last penalty (the game loser) in game 5? I was impressed by Osgood in his post-game interview when he said he needed to get to the locker room so he could smack him up-side his head. I hope he used his stick (repeatedly).

Probably one of the best series in 30 years anyway.

XL or XXL and my address is correct. Whenever you get a chance.

Wait till next year!

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