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>>>I am encouraged by the women who are off the chain because Hillary didn't make it. The exit polls indicate that almost half of Hillary's supporters will vote for McCain! I think this will be a slam dunk, on the order of McGovern's loss.
>>>Also, my emotions say Obama is dangerous, and many, many others feel that way. I believe you have indicated the same feelings. So, sure we will vote our gut feelings, but ours are based on observations, the liberals are smokin dope, drinkin wine and waitin for change.
>>The number I heard the other day, which I believe was nationwhide, not in any particular state, was 20% of Hillary's supporters say they will not vote for Obama. I'm sure many of them will come around. Time will lessen the disappointment of defeat and they will realize Obama's policies are quite similar to Hillary's and quite different from McCain's. Vows to stay the course in Iraq, appoint anti-Roe judges, etc. are not going to get their votes. They're just angry and disappointed after a hard battle and after believing for a long time that Hillary's nomination was just a formality.
>Did you see the woman on Fox news, oops, never mind. There was this woman on the news who was beyond ticked off at the Dem rules committee meeting. She vowed to make McCain the pres. Hahaha. Then I heard another woman who is the leader of a Dem women's group who said if Hillary didn't get the nod, they would turn out in numbers for McCain. This is going to be bitter-sweet! As I've said before, there will be a Democrat in the White House this year, but it will probably be McCain.<s>

Would you like to bet on McCain being in the White House this year? ;-) I need to recoup some of my losses.

Yes, I saw that video clip, and yes, I know some people are mighty ticked off. Not sure why they're so angry at Obama but I guess I can understand it in a way, because I sure wasn't going to vote for Hillary. Still, I think once emotions cool off a lot of Democrats will come to their senses. It was bad enough that Bush was reelected in 2004. Now we want 12 years of it? I don't think so.