06/06/2008 13:18:04
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It's very easy to find stories that suit your position. Not good enough Mike. Did you read my other post? The problem here is that the media has treated (and still does) Obama with kid gloves. The information is out there and half of it came out of Obama's mouth during the past 16 months. You have to look at the timeline, the purchases, and especially Obama's statements (his MANY statements and how they contradict)

Note: the link to the Chicago Tribune is a good one considering that's his home turf :o) ha ha ha

>>Ok, you did give a background, but you definitely glossed over the 'sold him a piece of property' stuff, didn't you? :o) That's not quite the whole picture. That's like saying Bill Clinton met Monica Lewinsky in his office (nothing questionable about just that when those are the words used to describe the situation).
>>>>>I predict this Rezko think will be big and Hussein will take a heavy hit from it. More to follow...
>>>>Is that the former Cop having "a smell" on Rezko or the reminiscence of shady deals the last Dem prez had ?
>>>>Not enough info on that flowing "over here" to form an opinion.
>>>Tony Rezko is an Illinois political insider whose corruption trial in Chicago ended in conviction earlier this week. There were many charges but the gist of it was he was taking bribes from people who wanted to do business with the state. The Obama connection is Rezko has raised money for Obama campaigns and also sold him a piece of property. Obama was not involved in any of the charges. The guy who has a lot to worry about is Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. He took office on a promise of cleaning up Illinois's notoriously corrupt politics. In fact he seems to have been as corrupt as any of his busy predecessors. Gov. Rod is already under investigation by the feds and if I am reading the papers right he will be the target of a case that builds on the Rezko trial.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"