10/06/2008 14:27:09
10/06/2008 13:16:49
Jay Johengen
Altamahaw-Ossipee, North Carolina, United States
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Hi Jay,

in case of working with background pictures, as Michel told you, there is one little quirk that needs attention. Your cell and your picture have to be identical in height and width. Otherwise it will be repeatedly displayed (have a look at cellspacing and cellpadding also).
<table style="width: 400px; height: 100px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="style1">
		<td style="height: 75px"></td>
		<td style="height: 75px"></td>
		<td style="height: 25px"> </td>
		<td style="height: 25px"> </td>
I assume, that your first attempt, to use a picture with text on it, didn't go well, because you had to resize the picture? If so, just go the same way. Design the picture in exactly the same dimensions as the cell. However, all this will only do, if you define your cell by pixel and not by percentage. Percentage will change the cells dimensions depending on the users screen resolution, and everything that was nicely formatted will vanish in chaos... ;-)

>>>This is very simplified, but how do I put text over the image? If I make the text part of the button it looks like crap because of the resolution, so I want to put a string in the HTML to be placed over the image instead.

>>><table class="contentpaneopen">
>>>	<img src=""
>>For that, you may use a background image on the cell. So, you are then free to put text on the cell after. I do this trick on the North Eastern Guide at Whenever a car is sold, I put SOLD on top of the image.
>When I use this:
><td align="center" valign="center" background="Request_Info.jpg"> <font size="+1">Request Information Now</font></td>
>The image appears multiple times across the cell. I tried creating an empty cell on either side of it, but that didn't work well either.
Best Regards

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it.

Oh, and BTW: 010101100100011001010000011110000101001001101111011000110110101101110011