10/06/2008 15:46:14
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>>>>And please, nobody offer up that line about terrorists destroying the U.S. if we don't elect a Republican with an itchy trigger finger. Al Qaeda et al don't have that capability in their wildest dreams. It's just scare tactics from people who don't have any better ideas.
>>>I won't argue which party would make this country safer - it's not the party, it's the policy and the leadership. Take the politics completely out of it - your statement is still wrong. If only the reality were as pleasant as your utopian view. Sadly, it's not. Closing your eyes to it and pretending it's not there doesn't make reality disappear.
>>What reality?
>>Just by hinting constantly about 'grim security outlook' and thousands & thousands of prevented terrorist attacks, that we will never know about - is not enough to prove anything. And that is all current administration feed US people all these years (And half of Europe as well !) . You can sure make people to believe in it, (fear is natural to humans) and you can even build quiet high defence budgets
>>arround these claims.
>>But will we ever know the facts ? You don't know them yourself, (nor You should). So Is this Reality ? If you ask me - NO!
>>IMO, Reality is that there is increase in terrorist activities world wide as direct result of two wars in middle east - and nothing else!
>>Obama claims he will stop the wars (withdraw). That can have only positive impact on security (world wide!)
>>simply because it will cut one of major reasons that keep this whole maddness going on at this levels.
>>If wars in Iraq/Afganistan really stop, you will be left with reheated old news about some lynatic in Marroco skewing unsuspecting German tourist with the knife. What else is new ?

>Thank God (uh-oh that will get me killed in a few years), when we run from Iraq/Afghanistan/Al Queda/Islamic terrorists the world will be a much safer place.

It sure will.
You might not see it, or believe it now.
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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