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C# 2.0
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>>>>I have a small ASP.NET application used by a number of customers. Yesterday one of the customers brought up an issue that it takes too much time on loading the first page. I tested on my PC (I use IE 6.0) and I can see the issue. It takes about 10 seconds to load the first page the first time. The good news is that after the first time, each subsequent load of the page is very fast (almost instantaneous). So it seems like there is some kind of caching issue here. My question is, is it the caching on the web server or Internet Explorer? What can I do to improve the speed of loading the main page the very first time?
>>>>Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
>>>Are you precompiling the pages? It makes a serious difference in the time it takes to open a page the first time..
>>No, I have never done this procedure. I am reading the link you provide and can't seem to understand (my mind right now is on 4 different projects); do I precompile the pages right on the custom web server or I have to do it on my development machine before shipping the project (.DLL) to them?
>>Thank you.
>IIRC do it on the production server. That is how I have done it.

Thank you very much. I also found a couple of other articles on the web about precompiling. This could be exactly what I need.
"The creative process is nothing but a series of crises." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"My experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all." Oscar Wilde
"If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." W.Somerset Maugham