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Re: Good.
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>>>>>I agree. Of course, was it known (or only suspected) that Jews were being put to death then? There was a period of time when the public knew they were being gathered up and sent to work camps, but not that they were being killed. I'm not sure, I have to look it all back up again. Chances are, the public may not have known, but the governments all probably did (or had enough reason to believe it was so).
>>>>The US government certainly knew well before the camps were liberated. I don't remember exactly when they knew, but it was well before the war ended. (A vague memory says sometime in '42, but I'm not sure that's right.)
>>>How can you blame US government for events happened in 1942 in Germany?
>>I'm not blaming the US government for what the Germans did. I am blaming them for knowing about and still not opening the gates to allow as many refugees in as could get here, as well as for not taking action to shut down or slow the camps.
>>I also blame the US government for the restrictive (and, in my view, racist) policies before the war that slowed immigration. While the death camps didn't start until the war was underway, serious repression of Jews and others started much sooner, pretty much as soon as Hitler took power. Yet, the US (and other countries) kept their borders barricaded.
>>I do have a great deal of respect for the British who opened the doors to thousands of children (my mother among them).
>So you are for the US invading Iraq since they were oppressing the Kurds, right?

No. She wants them to all be allowed to come here.
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- Alexis de Tocqueville

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