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>>>Just this morning I was sitting and thinking, "Is there any future in IT for me? Nowt's come up for ages. I need to get a job. Do I take anything, even low wage, or do I hold out for a proper IT job? No I think I need to continue and not give up on it just yet." The unemployment service have started to try to bully me into taking, say, a driver/deliveryman type job. I have been thinking of other outlets, esp. since working on my "mini farm", and of getting into garden development (I have a friend who does it occasionally and, if business picks up ...)
>>>Anyway 10 mins later my phone rings: an agency with some VFP work. DAN - DAN - DAHHHHN!
>>>Anyway, the down-side: It's in the City of London (1.5 hrs commute - once I've got to the train - each way - and something I've always abhorred), the travelling would cost a bomb, it's only for 3 months, then I'm back as I was.
>>>The upside: In that 3 mths I can earn up to nearly half of my last yearly salary (dep on what rate the agent can blag me). The role is as the VFP guru in a team that is converting a VFP suite to C# and .NET - sort of front-ending the developers. So there's the opportunity for me to absorb that side of the business and get it under my belt for my CV.
>>>What dya think? Sound like a good move? Useful experience? Who knows, I might even get to like the "high-life" in the City.
>>>Anyways, the agent was sounding me out as to whether it's worth submitting my CV to the employer, and a telephone interview would need to be passed first. So I'm not cock-a-hoop with paroxysms of expectation just yet
>>Sounds like a great opportunity. It's good money, it gets you out of the house, it gets you exposure to C# and .NET. Unless you have something going on you can't tear yourself away from 5 days a week for the summer, I would brush up that CV and send it off to the agent.
>Yeah, I think that way too, except the "summer" bit. I've gotten used to being up on the allotment, in the sun, watching my beans grow and getting some good exercise in :-)
>>Commuting by train is IMO quite pleasant, certainly compared to driving.
>I know you have travelled by British trains but have you commuted into London, on one of the most crowded routes. It will still take me c 30 mins' walk, up and down hills, to get to/from the station too, though, and the need to be there by 7:30. I'm a bit of a night-owl. :-)

OIC. That's a bit different from the "hop on, hop off" train ride I had in mind.

I see you decided to apply. Good luck!